Fernando Terremoto

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Fernando Fernández Patoja (born May 11, 1969 in Jerez de la Frontera ; † February 13, 2010 ibid), known by his stage names Fernando Terremoto and Terremoto hijo , was a Spanish flamenco singer.


Fernando Terremoto's father was Terremoto de Jerez , one of the most famous flamenco singers of his time. The son first learned to play the guitar, but soon turned to singing. In 1989 he made his debut in the Don Antonio Chacón de Jerez Association , accompanied on guitar by Moraíto Chico . He began to sing in clubs and at festivals and eventually moved to Madrid to sing with zambras .

This was followed by solo appearances at major events, including the Arco de Santiago , an Expo 92 event in Seville . At the Seville Flamenco Biennale in 1994 he appeared in Chachipen , a performance by the Compañía Manuel de Paula . In 1996 he won first prize for singing in the competition for young performers at the Flamenco Biennale. In 1997 he toured the province of Seville with the cycle Conocer el flamenco with Niño Josele and Israel Galván .

In the same year he took part in the world premiere of Antonio el Pipa's work Vivencia . In 1998 he sang in the show Al son de Moraíto at the Teatro Lope de Vega in Seville. At XV. In the Cordoba Competition , he caused a sensation by winning three prizes: the Premio Manuel Torre for Seguiriya and Toná , the Premio Niña de los Peines for Soleá por Bulerías and Bulería , and the Premio Antonio Chacón for Malagueña and Taranto .

Fernando Terremoto was also active as a composer; as such, he created La herencia de la sangre in 1989 and Cosa natural in 1997 . He also contributed to the Seguiriyas and Fandangos in Voces flamencas de la Campiña, Bahía y Sierra in 1991 .

In 2001 he appeared in the group of Antonio el Pipa in De la tierra . Although he suffered a heart attack in 2004 , he continued his career. In 2005 he sang in Israel Galván's group in La edad de oro . In the same year he was awarded the Premio Tío Luis el de la Juliana in Madrid . In 2006 he appeared again in the group of a colleague, namely with Pedro Ricardo Miño in piano con duende . At the Seville Biennale in 2006 he presented his first complete work Calendario with Seguiriyas, Fandangos, Tientos - Tangos , Soleares por Bulerías, Bulerías and Malagueñas . In 2007 he sang again with Israel Galván in El final de este estado de cosas .

He was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor in February 2009 and passed away a year later.


Ángel Álvarez Caballero emphasized that Fernando Terremoto was very similar to his father Terremoto de Jerez not only in physique, but also in intensity and style of his performances. Unlike the latter, however, the son prepares himself more carefully for his appearances and does not rely solely on his intuition.

In 2009, the critic Francisco Sánchez Múgica described the penetrating intensity of Terremoto's singing. His singing penetrates mercilessly, so to speak soak through the listener. The singing is carefully worked out from beginning to end, full of emotion and overwhelming richness.

References and comments

  1. a b c d e Manuel Martín Martín: Muere Fernando Terremoto, legatario del eco más gitano. In: El Mundo . February 15, 2010, accessed November 24, 2015 (Spanish).
  2. ^ A b Fran Pereira: Fernando Terremoto (Hijo). In: El arte de vivir el flamenco. February 14, 2010, accessed November 24, 2015 (Spanish).
  3. Ángel Álvarez Caballero: El cante flamenco . Alianza Editorial, Madrid 2004, ISBN 978-84-206-4325-0 , p. 374 .
  4. ^ "Su cante cala sin remisión, empapa."
  5. "Un cante bien elaborado de principio a fin, preñado de sentimientos y con una riqueza apabullante."
  6. ^ Francisco Sánchez Múgica: Un cante milagroso. In: El Arte de Vivir El Flamenco. November 5, 2009, Retrieved November 25, 2015 (Spanish, see a little further on in the article).

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