Offenbach am Main fire department

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Offenbach am Main fire department
Coat of arms of Offenbach am Main Office of the city of Offenbach am Main
Offenbach Fire Brigade.jpg
Professional fire brigade
Founding year: 1921
Locations: 1
Employee: 136
Volunteer firefighter
Founding year: 1845
Departments: 3
Active members: 90
Youth fire brigade
Groups: 1
Members: 25th

The Offenbach am Main fire department consists of a professional fire department , three volunteer fire departments , a joint youth fire department and three children's fire departments . The entire fire brigade with all sub-units reports to the head of the professional fire brigade.


Offenbach am Main volunteer fire brigade during an exercise (1903)

On February 4, 1845, the Turner founded the first fire brigade in Offenbach. In 1921 this volunteer fire brigade became a professional fire brigade. Today's volunteer fire brigades were added through incorporation: Bieber in 1938 and Rumpenheim and the associated Waldheim in 1942 . The volunteer fire brigade that still existed there in 1908 with the incorporation of Bürgels no longer exists today.

The joint youth fire brigade was founded in 1983 and is domiciled in the old Rumpenheim fire station , which is located in a side building of the Rumpenheim Castle.

Professional fire brigade

The professional fire brigade has a station that is geographically centrally located in the city area. The building, which dates from the 1960s, was expanded by two boxes in 2005. On the occasion, between the end of 2007 and mid-2008, the manually operated street-side gates of the old vehicle boxes were replaced with new, electric gates, the old flashing warning lights above the gates were replaced by orange flashing lights that could be seen from afar. These lights are supposed to warn the traffic of the moving vehicles. The crane vehicle was given a new hall at the rear of the property in mid-2008.

Volunteer firefighter

There are currently three voluntary fire brigade units in the city area, which are legally dependent institutions of the municipality in accordance with the Hessian Fire Protection Act (HBKG) . These three district fire brigades are each headed by a military leader who is subordinate to the chief in his function of the head of the Offenbach am Main fire brigade. All three fire stations of the volunteer fire brigades are located in districts east of the city center. In addition to the usual tasks of the fire brigade (fire fighting and technical assistance), each of the three volunteer fire brigades covers a specialty.


The fire station of the Offenbach am Main - Bieber volunteer fire brigade at Feuerwehrplatz 1 was built in the early 1980s and has five boxes. In recent years, a two-tier hall has also been built on the site. The Bieber volunteer fire brigade provides the city ​​of Offenbach with the GABC train .


The Offenbach am Main - Rumpenheim volunteer fire brigade was founded in 1872. In addition to fire fighting and technical assistance, the Rumpenheim fire brigade is responsible for the area of ​​"water hazards" and operates water rescue with two boats together with the professional fire brigade. The current fire station was occupied in 2010 and is located on the Mainzer Ring - just across the border in the Bürgel district. From 1981 to 2010, the fire brigade was housed in the head building of an outbuilding of the Rumpenheimer Schloss in Rumpenheimer Schlossgasse 1 and had three boxes there. In addition to the difficult traffic situation in the old town center, the space available for vehicles, equipment and protective clothing was also very limited, so that the older, two-tier fire station on Prinz-Georg-Straße continued to serve as a depot for a boat, a vehicle and various emergency equipment . Much earlier there was at times a public fire brigade and a castle fire brigade; the public fire brigade was housed in a building on Landgraf-Friedrich-Strasse.


The fire station of the Offenbach am Main - Waldheim volunteer fire brigade, founded in 1912, is located on Mühlheimer Strasse, one of the main roads leading to Offenbach am Main and directly on the city limits of Mühlheim am Main . The fire station was occupied in 2004. The former four-part vehicle hall was expanded by one box in 2007. The camp of the Offenbach fire brigade is located in the old fire station on Im Gartenfeld street , after it was used as a central domicile by the youth fire brigade from 2004 to 2010. The special tasks of the Waldheim fire brigade are the position of an ICT group to which u. a. the operation of the Offenbacher ELW 2 belongs, as well as the operation of the sandbag filling machine and its operational organization.

Youth fire brigade

The joint youth fire brigade of the three volunteer local fire brigades was founded in 1983 and is housed in Rumpenheim in a side building of the Rumpenheimer Schloss , which was previously used by the Rumpenheim fire brigade. Since Offenbach am Main is an independent city and there is only one youth fire brigade in the city area, the head of this youth fire brigade is also the city ​​youth fire brigade . Like the officers of the district fire brigades, he reports to the head of the professional fire brigade.

See also

Web links

Coordinates: 50 ° 5 '52.9 "  N , 8 ° 47' 5.4"  E