Emilie Turecek

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Emilie Turecek, the Fiaker-Milli , ca.1870

Emilie Turecek , also Emilie Turaczek , Emilie Pemer , Emilie Pemmer , married Emilie Demel (born June 30, 1846 in Vienna , † May 13, 1889 in Vienna ), called Fiaker-Milli , was an Austrian folk singer of the Wienerlied .


Emilie Turecek was born out of wedlock to Anna Turecek in Vienna. Her father, Michael Pemmer, born on July 28, 1798 in Kochholz , Lower Austria, did not marry Anna Turecek until September 12, 1869. On October 21, 1874, Emilie Turecek married the fiaker Ludwig Demel, who was born in Vienna in 1851 .

She performed in amusement shops as well as at laundress and fiaker balls. Her appearances in jockey costume with tight-fitting pants and riding crop caused a sensation. She needed a police permit to wear men's clothing.

In 1931 Josef Koller wrote in his book Das Wiener Volkssängertum in old and new times :

“The Fiaker Milli came with her male and female followers wherever there was 'a Hetz und Gaude', and then literally turned everything upside down. She was dashing and cocky and lost control of her hot-blooded temper every evening. The Fiaker Milli was always the intellectual creator of the nocturnal orgies; where she showed up, she knew the hard order to overturn and cause by rampant driving a Ulkstimmung. "

Regarding her passing, Koller writes:

“The lucky star of the cocky Fiaker Milli did n't shine for too long . The desolate life took revenge and in the prime of the years the much sought after bringer of pleasure was recalled. Liver degeneration was given as the cause of death. On May 18, 1889 [recte: May 15] the body of the Fiaker Milli was placed in a shaft grave at the Dornbach cemetery ... "


Hugo von Hofmannsthal created a monument to the folk singer in his libretto for the Richard Strauss opera Arabella with the figure of Fiakermilli .
The Fiaker-Milli character appears in several films:


  • Erich Hermann Müller von Asow: "The Fiaker-Milli. A historical figure from Richard Strauss' Arabella ". Austrian music magazine , 15th year, April 1960, issue 4, pp. 195f.

Web links

Commons : Emilie Turecek  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Regina Karner, Michaela Lindinger (ed.), Big appearance. Fashion in the Ringstrasse era , Christian Brandstätter Verlag, Vienna 2009, p. 46