Branch church Lorenziberg

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Branch church Lorenziberg, south view

The Roman Catholic branch church Lorenziberg is visible from afar on the Lorenziberg above St. Veit an der Glan in Carinthia . The mountain belongs to the area of ​​the local community Frauenstein . The church is a branch of the parish of Sörg and is dedicated to St. Laurentius .

The church was first mentioned in documents in 1330 and 1468. It is a small late Gothic building with a retracted choir . Access is through a porch with brick pillars on the west side of the building. On the stone-covered roof at the transition from the nave to the choir there is an eight-sided roof turret with the year 1549 and a steep pointed helmet.

The Gothic sacristy is built on the south side . The unusually short choir is supported by two-tier buttresses. In 1998 a late Gothic Christophorus fresco was uncovered on the south wall of the nave . In the reveal of the shoulder-arched west portal there is a coat of arms with the sign of the St. Veiter Eisengewerken Kaltenhauser from the second half of the 15th century. The door is covered with iron plates.

The nave has a baroque two-bay groin vault , to the west there is a three-axis brick gallery , the windows are ogival. The choir has a single bay with a 5/8 end and has a mesh ridge vault from the first half of the 16th century.

The high altar , framed in black and gold, is marked with the year 1645 and designed in column architecture with a blown gable. The altarpiece shows St. Laurentius, the top picture shows the stigmata of Christ and the three nails of the cross, a reference to the four-mountain run , which takes place on the so-called three-nail Friday, the second Friday after Easter and ends at Lorenziberg. The predella shows a vera icon . In the cafeteria there are two candlesticks from the beginning of the 18th century and carved candlesticks in the Rococo style. The carved antependium depicting St. Laurentius shows, dates from around 1740. On the small pulpit built around 1700 is a painted representation of three church fathers. Only a few reverse glass pictures have survived from the votive pictures .

On the occasion of an interior restoration in 1969, numerous bones were found on the south side of the church, which suggests that there was a cemetery here. The church was last undergone an exterior and interior restoration in 1996.


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Commons : Filialkirche St. Laurentius, Lorenziberg, Frauenstein  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 46 ′ 22 "  N , 14 ° 19 ′ 9.3"  E