Firdaus Chissamitdinova

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Firdaus Gilmitdinowna Chissamitdinowa ( Russian Фирдаус Гильмитдиновна Хисамитдинова * 1. January 1950 in the village Rachmetowo in the southeast of Bashkortostan ) is a Soviet - Russian - Bashkir linguist , Turkologin , high school teacher and politician .


Chissamitdinova attended the Belorezk Pedagogical School with graduation in 1970 and then studied at the philological faculty of the Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute (BGPI) in Ufa with graduation in 1974.

1976 Chissamitdinowa began in Moscow the postgraduate at Edchjam Rachimowitsch Tenischew in Linguistics -Institut of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN SSSR, 1991 Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN)). After her graduation in 1978 she became a research assistant at the Institute for History , Language and Literature (IIJaL) of the Ufa Science Center of the AN-SSSR. In 1980 she successfully defended her candidate dissertation .

From 1985 Chissamitdinowa taught at the BGPI. 1987–1992 she headed the chair for Bashkir language , after which she became dean of the faculty for Bashkir philology of the BGPI. In 1993 she successfully defended her doctoral thesis for a doctorate in philological sciences, after which she was appointed professor .

1994–1999 Chissamitdinova was a member of the first session of the Kurultai State Assembly of the Republic of Bashkortostan in Ufa. From March 1995 to 1998, she was Minister of National Education in Bashkortostan. She developed the program for the educational development of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the period 1999-2003. 1996–1998 she was chairwoman of the Women's Council of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

In 1998 Chissamitdinova became Vice Director of the IIJaL and in 2005 Director. Her research focused on problems of historical phonetics , name research , mythology , ethnolinguistics and the methodology of teaching Bashkir for Russian speakers as well as the history and culture of Bashkortostan. She has published a wide variety of papers, including many monographs , textbooks, and dictionaries.

2000–2003 Chissamitdinova was the chairman of the Society of Women of Bashkortostan and of the Women's Commission of the World Kurultai of the Bashkirs .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d IIJaL: Биография Ф.Г. Исамитдиновой (accessed December 31, 2019).
  2. a b c d e Сиразитдинов З. А., Каримова Р. Н .: Вклад Ф. Г. Хисамитдиновой в науку и образование Башкортостана (accessed December 31, 2019).