Fyodor Semyonovich Argunov

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Fyodor Semjonowitsch Argunow ( Russian Фёдор Семёнович Аргуно́в ; * 1732 ; † 1768 ) was a Russian architect .


Argunow, cousin of the painter Ivan Argunow , was the serf of Count Pyotr Sheremetev and after his death the son and heir Count Nikolai Sheremetew . Argunov studied architecture with the St. Petersburg baroque architect Sawwa Tschewakinski . He built the St. Petersburg Sheremetev Palace on the Fontanka and various picturesque buildings on the Sheremetev country estate in Kuskovo , such as the kitchen wing, the grotto pavilion and the orangery .

Web links

Commons : Fyodor Semjonowitsch Argunow  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. АРГУНОВЫ (accessed September 23, 2016).
  2. Наталия Преснова: Все Аргуновы (accessed September 23, 2016).
  3. Т. В. Ильина, Е. Ю. Станюкович-Денисова: Русское искусство XVIII века. Юрайт, Moscow 2015, ISBN 978-5-9916-3527-1 , p. 236-239 .
  4. Christine Hamel: Russia: from the Volga to the Neva: Moscow and Golden Ring, St. Petersburg and Karelia, Novgorod, Pskow and Kazan . DuMont Reiseverlag, 1998, p. 258 .
  5. Sheremetev Palace (accessed September 9, 2016).
  6. Sheremetev Palace (Шереметовский дворец) (accessed September 11, 2016).