Fyodor Vasilyevich Rostopchin

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Count Fyodor Wassiljewitsch Rostoptschin
RUS COA Rostopczin.svg

Count Fyodor Rostopchin ( Russian Фёдор Васильевич Ростопчин ., Scientific transliteration Fedor Vasil'evič Rostopčin ; born March 12 . Jul / 23. March  1763 greg. In Kosmodemjanskoje, Province of Oryol , † January 18 jul. / The 30th January  1826 greg . in Moscow ) was a Russian general and minister.


He joined the guard as a lieutenant . In 1796 he was promoted to general, high court marshal, minister of foreign affairs by Paul I , over whom he had great influence, and in September 1799 to imperial count, but fell out of favor in January 1801 because of his opposition to the alliance with France decided by the emperor .

After he had only returned to service as Lord Chamberlain in 1810, he received the post of Commander-in-Chief of Moscow in 1812 shortly before the start of Napoleon's Russian campaign . Rostopchin incited the people to acts of violence against the invaders in proclamations and speeches and drew up the plan for the fire in Moscow after he had laid ashes his own palace near Moscow.

Although he denied this in the writing La vérité sur l'incendie de Moscou, but later admitted his participation in the fire. In 1814 Rostoptschin accompanied Emperor Alexander I to the Congress of Vienna . In 1817 he renounced the position of governor general. After translating a proclamation of Napoleon into Russian, he fell out of favor with Emperor Alexander I and therefore lived in Paris until 1823 . In 1825 he was given permission to return to Russia. Rostopchin died in Moscow on January 30, 1826.

His collected writings in Russian and French, including two comedies, comments on a trip through Germany and the Mémoires écrits en dix minutes, were published by Smirdin (Petersburg 1853).

Rostoptschin's daughter-in-law, Countess Evdokija Petrovna Rostoptschina (née Suschkowa; * 1811; † December 3-15, 1858) has made herself known as a poet. A complete edition of her writings appeared in Saint Petersburg and Leipzig between 1857 and 1860 in four volumes.


  • JH Schnitzler: La Russie en 1812: Rostoptchine et Koutousof. Tableau de mœurs et essai de critique historique. Didier et Cie., Paris 1863; British Library, 2011, ISBN 1241594325
  • Anatole de Ségur: Vie du comte Rostopchine, governor de Moscou en 1812. Bray et Retaux, Paris 1871

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. La vérité sur l'incendie de Moscou par le comte Rostopchine. Ponthieu, Paris 1823
  2. Cf. Karl August Varnhagen von Ense : Memories. Vol. 9
  3. Rostopchin . In: Heinrich August Pierer , Julius Löbe (Hrsg.): Universal Lexicon of the Present and the Past . 4th edition. tape 14 . Altenburg 1862, p. 384 ( zeno.org ).