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City of Wuppertal
Coordinates: 51 ° 14 ′ 48 ″  N , 7 ° 3 ′ 35 ″  E
Height : approx. 178 m
Fliethe (Wuppertal)

Location of Fliethe in Wuppertal

Fliethe was a location in the Wuppertal district of Vohwinkel , residential area Schöller-Dornap . At the beginning of the 20th century, the site was demolished when the Hanielsfeld limestone quarry was expanded . Today there is a heaped heap at the settlement site.

Location and description

Fliethe was in the north of Vohwinkel in the middle of Schöller-Dornaps. Neighboring places are Nösenberg , Buntenbeck , Broscheidt , Dornap , Neu-Dornap , Ladebühne , Hanielsfeld and Sandfeld .


In the 19th century, Fliethe was a residential area in the rural community of Schöller owned by the Haan mayor (from 1894 Gruiten mayor ), which emerged from the Schöller community of the Bergisch rule Schöller . On the topographical survey of the Rhineland from 1824 a place is labeled with Fliete , on the Prussian first survey from 1843 the place is recorded without any labels . In 1888, according to the community encyclopedia for the Rhineland province , the place had two houses with 20 residents.

The Prinz Wilhelm Railway, which opened in 1847, was routed directly past the village by the Prinz Wilhelm Railway Company . At the end of the 19th century, the industrial mining of the Devonian mass limestone began in the Dornap / Hahnenfurth area, to which Fliethe fell victim early.

Individual evidence

  1. Königliches Statistisches Bureau (Prussia) (Ed.): Community encyclopedia for the Rhineland Province, based on the materials of the census of December 1, 1885 and other official sources, (Community encyclopedia for the Kingdom of Prussia, Volume XII), Berlin 1888.