Cottbus Airfield Museum

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Cottbus Airfield Museum
place Cottbus , Germany
opening 1994
Number of visitors (annually) 17,000 (2019)
Airfield Museum Cottbus e. V.
ISIL DE-MUS-495210

The Cottbus airfield museum is located in the southern part of the former Cottbus airfield and is run by the Cottbus airfield museum association . V. operated.


The museum was set up in 1990 with the establishment of an association of the same name , which set itself the task of researching regional aviation history and preserving the aeronautical technology of the GDR, which was no longer used after the political change . For this purpose, operating areas in the south of the airfield were acquired. In 1994 the museum opened to the public. The airfield Cottbus was in the GDR by the NVA used until 1982 were there the JG-1 and until 1990 the KHG-3 stationed, which is why a large part of the exhibited on 20,000 m² open space types held by the LSK / LV comes, however, For some time now, former NATO military aircraft , including items on loan from the Museum Berlin-Gatow , can also be viewed . The exhibition also includes a collection of ground service equipment, drop weapons and motor vehicles. The associated historical exhibition, which includes exhibits such as equipment, aircraft models and aircraft armament, provides information on the history of aviation in the region. Aircraft exposed to the weather are serviced and repaired in the restoration area. An An-2T and a MiG-15UTI are currently being overhauled there. The collection currently includes around 40 aircraft and helicopters. Newer exhibits are a Z-42M previously stationed at Neuhausen airfield , a Let L-200 , a PZL-104 and an Aero L-60 .

The museum acquired a Tu-134A in 2017 as the largest aircraft in the collection to date . After a hard landing at Erfurt Airport, the former Aeroflot machine could no longer be used in civil aviation. It was flown to Berlin-Schönefeld in makeshift repairs and transported from there by land to Wartin , where it was used as a training object for the anti-terrorist unit of the Ministry for State Security . After the reunification it should be used as a restaurant, but for what u. a. no permit was granted due to the cabin height being too low. In 2017 the museum was able to acquire the machine, it is to be restored and an exhibition is to be shown in the cabin.

The airfield museum organizes regular events such as model exhibitions and museum tours, where cockpit tours of various aircraft are also possible. The site can also be rented for private events. While around 9,000 museum visitors were counted in 2012, the figure was around 17,000 in 2019.


See also


  • Lutz Krebs: Aviation Museum Cottbus . In: Aviation Classics . No. 7/15 . Motor Presse, Stuttgart 2015, p. 74-77 .

Web links

Commons : Flugplatzmuseum Cottbus  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Lausitzer Rundschau from November 29, 2019
  2. LFZ inventory list of the museum ( Memento of the original from September 2, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 31 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Tupolev-134 approaching Cottbus, March 3, 2017, accessed on May 24, 2020
  4. Flugplatzmuseum reinvents itself

Coordinates: 51 ° 45 ′ 56 "  N , 14 ° 17 ′ 43"  E