Entente Franco-Allemande Foundation

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Fondation Entente Franco-Allemande
founding 1981
founder Initiative by Helmut Schmidt and Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
Seat Strasbourg FranceFranceFrance 
Chair Jean-Georges Mandon
Managing directors Jacques Jolas (General Secretary)
Website fefa.fr

The Fondation Entente Franco-Allemande (FEFA) ( German: Foundation for Franco-German Understanding ) is a foundation for the benefit of Franco-German cooperation and its task today is to intensify the relationships between people in Germany and France and to increase mutual understanding and thereby bring them closer to the culture of the neighboring country.


The founding meeting was held on November 16, 1981. Its original aim was to serve the Alsatians and Mosellans who were forcibly recruited into the Wehrmacht and who were "forgotten" by history, and to " promote cooperation between France and the Federal Republic of Germany by developing further projects ".

The founders were Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (then President of the French Republic) and Helmut Schmidt (then Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany). As part of an international agreement that was signed in Bonn on March 31, 1981 , Germany made available to FEFA a capital of 250 million DM (about 117,500,000 euros) to compensate these forced recruits.

The foundation has fulfilled its original purpose since it was founded and has been focusing on promoting cooperation between France and Germany and in the Alsace , Baden-Württemberg , Basel-Stadt and Basel-Land , Rhineland-Palatinate , Saarland and region since 2010 active in the Moselle region.

Goals and measures for the fulfillment of tasks

According to Article 1 of the Articles of Association, taking into account the Élysée Treaty of January 23, 1963 and the agreement of March 31, 1981 between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on a contribution by the Federal Republic of Germany to the Fondation Entente Franco- Allemande:

  • to contribute to mutual understanding and the development of Franco-German cooperation, especially in the areas of culture, social affairs, history, education, economy and research;
  • social and cultural measures for the Alsatians and Lorraine people who were forcibly drafted into the Wehrmacht in the Second World War , or for their legal successors (widows, relatives in ascending or descending line) and for those who were drafted by the RAD and the KHD within the meaning of and within the framework of Agreement of July 17, 2008 to be carried out.

According to Article 2 of the Articles of Association, the Foundation's objectives are achieved through the following instruments:

  • Study and research grants,
  • Courses and conferences,
  • financial support for projects
  • as well as other measures to promote Franco-German relations and to develop partnerships with the foundation.

FEFA has also been involved in social and cultural projects in the service of people since 1985 and has set up special commissions for this purpose.

social commitment

The foundation's social commitment is intended to alleviate the plight of Union citizens selectively,

  • by making payments,
  • by reserving places in retirement homes in the three departments of Eastern France or also
  • by purchasing special equipment for the elderly.

Over 3000 people in need have already been supported in this context.

Cultural engagement

In the area of ​​culture, the memory of the horrors of war is supported by colloquia, books and documentaries. Over 120 projects have been implemented so far.

The forced recruitment into the German armed forces and the de facto annexation of the three eastern French departments are also documented in the FEFA archive center and in a historical library. Further measures are e.g. B .:

  • Exchange and encounters between young people,
  • Organization of events (including music and theater performances, exhibitions, congresses, internet sites, etc.),
  • Promotion of the learning of the neighbour's language in schools, universities and through Franco-German associations,
  • Support for scientific, university and other publications.

The focus is on the perspective of reconciliation and joint work.

Current and future priorities and main fields of action

  • Contribution to building a dynamic and cross-border labor market;
  • Promotion of the linguistic skills of trainees so that they can work in their professions across borders on the banks of the Rhine,
  • Help for cultural youth projects in the region,
  • Promotion of sporting encounters between German and French young people and adults,


FEFA is an independent organization headed by a board of directors. It is based on a statute that was last approved by the French Prime Minister's decree of December 23, 2009, which amends the 1981 statutes.


The administration and powers of the foundation bodies are based on Articles 3 to 9 of the Articles of Association.

Board of Directors

At the top is a council of 19 members (Article 3):

  • Five members of the donor college:
    • André Bord, President of the Foundation and lifelong member of the Council
    • a representative of the Association des Evadés et des Incorporés de force du Haut-Rhin (Association of those who have escaped and forced to enter the Haut-Rhin department)
    • A representative from the Bas-Rhin department of the Union des Invalides, Anciens Combattants et Victimes de guerre d'Alsace et de Lorraine (Association of Invalids, Former War veterans and war victims from Alsace and Lorraine)
    • a representative for the departmental association of Haut-Rhin of the Union Française des Associations d'anciens Combattants (French federation of associations of former combatants)
    • a representative of the Association des Malgré-Nous (Association of the Malgré-Nous of the Department of Moselle).

With the exception of the lifelong member, the representatives of the donors' college are each elected for four years.

  • six members by virtue of office:
    • the rector of the Strasbourg school inspectorate,
    • the chancellor of the universities,
    • the minister for ex-combatants,
    • the Secretary General for Franco-German Cooperation,
    • the Prefect of the Department of Bas-Rhin or their representatives;
    • two representatives of the national parliaments, namely the chairmen of the France-Germany friendship groups of the Assemblée nationale and the Bundestag or their representative.
  • qualified personalities:
    • four French nationals and
    • four German citizens,

who are elected for four years due to their competence in the foundation's field of activity and who work on an honorary basis (Article 6 of the statutes). The Board of Directors regulates the affairs of the Foundation through its resolutions (Article 7 of the Articles of Association).


According to Article 4 of the statutes, the president and the “bureau” are elected from among the members of the board of trustees in the first meeting after their appointment. The President represents the foundation in all social activities and directs the expenditure. He is accountable to the Council.


In addition to the President, the Bureau comprises two Vice-Presidents, one of whom is a German and one of French citizenship, a treasurer and a secretary, and is elected for four years and they work on a voluntary basis. The mandate of the office members and the president can only be renewed once.


The annual report, the budget and the accounting documents referred to in article 12 of the statutes are sent every year to the prefect of the department, the French interior minister, the minister responsible for former combatants and the general secretary for Franco-German cooperation.

Rules of Procedure

The rules of procedure are drawn up by the Foundation and can only enter into force with the approval of the French Minister of the Interior and are sent to the department's prefecture. A change is made under the same conditions.

Assets and Income


The foundation's financial resources include the two floors it owns in a property in Strasbourg - 1 rue Saint Léon - and a securities portfolio of € 1 million. The financial endowment is increased from the profit of the free donations authorized without a specific purpose as well as a part of the surplus of the annual funds necessary for the preservation of the value. It can be increased in absolute value by decision of the Council. The foundation has the financial resources for the fulfillment of its remaining compensation tasks . "

Sources of income

According to Article 12 of the Articles of Association, the Foundation's sources of income are:

  • Income from funding;
  • any subsidies granted
  • Profit from the benefits the use of which has been decided;
  • Profit from exceptional resources, if necessary with the approval of the competent authority;
  • Profit from sales and compensation received for a service rendered.

Dissolution of the foundation

If the FEFA is dissolved, the foundation's assets will be transferred to the Franco-German Youth Office (Article 14 of the statutes).

See also


  • Andrée Kempf: “ Le rôle de la Fondation Entente franco-allemande ”, in “ Documents ”, 2003, 58 (juillet-septembre 2003) 3, pp. 60–62.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Article 1 of the statutes (PDF)
  2. ^ Foundation under French law, Decree of December 18, 2009, Official Gazette No. 297 of December 23, 2009.
  3. Article 3 § a and § b2 of the 1981 statutes
  4. ^ Articles of Association of October 28, 2009.
  5. Article 6 of the statutes
  6. Article 15 of the statutes
  7. Article 16 of the statutes
  8. Article 10 of the statutes