Forbes Burnham

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Forbes Burnham (1966)

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham (born February 20, 1923 in Kitty, East Demerara, † August 6, 1985 in Georgetown ) was first Prime Minister , then President of Guyana .


In 1950 he founded the left-wing People's Progressive Party with Cheddi Jagan . From 1955 onward tensions arose between the two, after which Burnham created the more moderate People's National Congress . Jagan's party won legislative elections but came into conflict with the British authorities, who amended the constitution , allowing Burnham to form a coalition government and becoming Prime Minister in 1964 . Burnham led Guyana to independence from Great Britain and the Commonwealth in 1966 . At first he pursued a rather moderate policy, but from 1970 his leadership became more left-wing. He declared Guyana a cooperative republic and established intensive relations with Cuba , the Soviet Union and other communist-structured states.

During the 1970s, Burnham's policies became increasingly dictatorial. He had a referendum carried out which strengthened his party, but the results of which were viewed by many as falsified. In 1980 the constitution was amended to strengthen the position of president and Burnham resigned from prime minister to become president. He won the first presidential election in 1980, again with a likely false result. Burnham also attracted international attention when the 1978 Jonestown mass suicides occurred, for which some people blame him.

Burnham remained president of Guyana until his death in an operation. He was also Guyana's first foreign minister from 1966 to 1972. His wife Viola was also involved in politics.