This formula collection summarizes formulas and definitions of analysis with vector and tensor fields of the second level in continuum mechanics .
See also
Formula collection tensor algebra
- Operators like " " are not written in italics.

- Letters in the middle of the alphabet are used as indices:
- The Einstein sums convention applies regardless of the index position.
- Comes in a formula in a product , an index twice before as summed over this index is from one to three: .

- If several indexes twice before in summing over this: .

- An index that appears simply, as in , is a free index. The formula applies to all values of the free indexes: .

- Vectors:
- All vectors used here are geometric vectors in three-dimensional Euclidean vector space .

- Vectors are designated with lower case letters.
- Unit vectors of length one are hatched as in FIG.

- Vectors of indefinite length are marked with an arrow as in FIG.

- Standard base
- Any base with a dual base

- The vector is called the position vector throughout.

- Second order tensors are noted in bold capital letters as in FIG.

- Coordinates:
- Cartesian coordinates
Cylindrical coordinates :
Spherical coordinates :
- Curvilinear coordinates
- Constants:
- time
- Variables: scalar or vector valued

- Functions:
- Scalar or vector valued

- Tensor valued: or

- Operators:
Track (math) :
Transposed matrix :
Inverse matrix :
- Transposed inverse matrix:
Differential operators :
Laplace operator :
Divergence of a vector field :
Gradient (math) :
Rotation of a vector field :
- An index after a comma denotes the derivation according to a coordinate:
- Continuum Mechanics:
- shift
- speed
Deformation gradient
- Spatial velocity gradient
- the differential operator D / Dt and the added point stand for the substantial time derivative
Kronecker Delta

Basis vectors
Cartesian coordinates:
Cylindrical coordinates :

Spherical coordinates :

Curvilinear coordinates:

Derivatives according to the location
Gâteaux differential
![{\ displaystyle \, \ mathrm {D} f (x) [h]: = \ left. {\ frac {\ mathrm {d}} {\ mathrm {d} s}} f (x + sh) \ right | _ {s = 0} = \ lim _ {s \ rightarrow 0} {\ frac {f (x + sh) -f (x)} {s}}}](
with , scalar, vector or tensor valued but and similar.

Product rule:
![{\ displaystyle \ mathrm {D} (f (x) \ cdot g (x)) [h] = \ mathrm {D} f (x) [h] \ cdot g (x) + f (x) \ cdot \ mathrm {D} g (x) [h]}](
Chain rule:
![\, {\ mathrm {D}} (f {\ circ} g) (x) [h] = \, {\ mathrm {D}} f (g) [Dg (x) [h]]](
Fréchet derivation
Does a bounded linear operator exist such that

![{\ mathcal {A}} [h] = {Df} (x) [h] {\ quad \ forall \;} h](
holds, then the Fréchet derivative from to is called. You then also write

Nabla operator
Cartesian coordinates :
Curvilinear coordinates : with .

Scalar field :

Vector field :

Scalar or vector valued function f:

Cylindrical coordinates :

Spherical coordinates :

Integrability condition : Every rotation-free vector field is the gradient field of a scalar potential :
Coordinate-free representation as a volume derivative:

Relationship with the other differential operators:

Product rule:

Any base:

Product with constants:

Vector field :

Tensor field :

Cylindrical coordinates :

Spherical coordinates :

Coordinate-free representation:

Relationship with the other differential operators:

Product rule:

Any base:

Product with constants:

Vector field :

Tensor field :

Cylindrical coordinates :
![{\ displaystyle \ operatorname {rot} {\ vec {f}} = \ left [{\ frac {1} {\ rho}} {\ frac {\ partial f_ {z}} {\ partial \ varphi}} - { \ frac {\ partial f _ {\ varphi}} {\ partial z}} \ right] {\ hat {e}} _ {\ rho} + \ left [{\ frac {\ partial f _ {\ rho}} {\ partial z}} - {\ frac {\ partial f_ {z}} {\ partial \ rho}} \ right] {\ hat {e}} _ {\ varphi} + {\ frac {1} {\ rho}} \ left [{\ frac {\ partial} {\ partial \ rho}} \ left (\ rho \, f _ {\ varphi} \ right) - {\ frac {\ partial f _ {\ rho}} {\ partial \ varphi }} \ right] {\ hat {e}} _ {z}}](
Spherical coordinates :
![{\ displaystyle \ operatorname {rot} ({\ vec {f}}) = {\ frac {1} {r \ sin \ vartheta}} \ left [{\ frac {\ partial} {\ partial \ vartheta}} \ left (f _ {\ varphi} \ sin \ vartheta \ right) - {\ frac {\ partial f _ {\ vartheta}} {\ partial \ varphi}} \ right] {\ hat {e}} _ {r} + \ left [{\ frac {1} {r \ sin \ vartheta}} {\ frac {\ partial f_ {r}} {\ partial \ varphi}} - {\ frac {1} {r}} {\ frac {\ partial} {\ partial r}} \ left (rf _ {\ varphi} \ right) \ right] {\ hat {e}} _ {\ vartheta} + {\ frac {1} {r}} \ left [{\ frac {\ partial} {\ partial r}} \ left (rf _ {\ vartheta} \ right) - {\ frac {\ partial f_ {r}} {\ partial \ vartheta}} \ right] {\ hat {e} } _ {\ varphi}}](
Integrability condition: Every divergence-free vector field is the rotation of a vector field:
Coordinate-free representation:

Relationship with the other differential operators:

Product rule:

Any base:

Product with constants:

Theorem about non-rotating fields

Laplace operator

Cartesian coordinates:

Cylindrical coordinates :

Spherical coordinates :

Relationship with other differential operators:

Due to the partly different definitions of the differential operators in the literature, there may be different formulas in the literature. If the definitions of the literature are used here, the formulas here go into those of the literature.
![{\ displaystyle {\ begin {array} {rclcl} \ operatorname {div (red} ({\ vec {f}})) & = & \ displaystyle \ nabla \ cdot (\ nabla \ times {\ vec {f}} ) & = & 0 \\\ operatorname {div (red} (\ mathbf {T})) & = & \ nabla \ times \ mathbf {T} & = & {\ vec {0}} \\\ operatorname {div ( rot (rot} (\ mathbf {T}) ^ {\ top})) & = & \ nabla \ cdot (\ nabla \ times (\ nabla \ times \ mathbf {T}) ^ {\ top}) & = & {\ vec {0}} \\\ operatorname {rot (grad} (f)) & = & \ displaystyle \ nabla \ times \ nabla f & = & {\ vec {0}} \\\ operatorname {rot (grad} ({\ vec {f}}) ^ {\ top}) & = & \ displaystyle \ nabla \ times (\ nabla \ otimes {\ vec {f}}) & = & \ mathbf {0} \\\ operatorname { div (grad} (f) \ times \ operatorname {grad} (g)) & = & \ displaystyle \ nabla \ cdot (\ nabla f \ times \ nabla g) = \ nabla g \ cdot (\ nabla \ times \ nabla f) & = & 0 \\ [2ex] \ operatorname {div (grad} (f)) & = & \ nabla \ cdot (\ nabla f) = (\ nabla \ cdot \ nabla) f & = & \ Delta f \\ \ operatorname {div (grad} ({\ vec {f}}) ^ {\ top}) & = & \ nabla \ cdot (\ nabla \ otimes {\ vec {f}}) = (\ nabla \ cdot \ nabla ) {\ vec {f}} & = & \ Delta {\ vec {f}} \\ [2ex] \ operatorname {div (grad} ({\ vec {f}}) ) & = & \ nabla \ cdot ({\ vec {f}} \ otimes \ nabla) = (\ nabla \ cdot {\ vec {f}}) \ nabla & = & \ operatorname {grad (div} ({\ vec {f}})) \\\ operatorname {rot (grad} ({\ vec {f}})) & = & \ displaystyle \ nabla \ times ({\ vec {f}} \ otimes \ nabla) = ( \ nabla \ times {\ vec {f}}) \ otimes \ nabla & = & \ operatorname {grad (red} ({\ vec {f}})) \\ [2ex] \ operatorname {rot (red} ({ \ vec {f}})) & = & \ displaystyle \ nabla \ times (\ nabla \ times {\ vec {f}}) = \ nabla (\ nabla \ cdot {\ vec {f}}) - \ Delta { \ vec {f}} & = & \ operatorname {grad (div} ({\ vec {f}})) - \ Delta {\ vec {f}} \\\ operatorname {rot (red} (\ mathbf {T })) & = & \ nabla \ times [\ nabla \ times (\ mathbf {T} \ cdot {\ hat {e}} _ {i}) \ otimes {\ hat {e}} _ {i}] \ \ & = & [\ operatorname {div} (\ mathbf {T}) \ cdot {\ hat {e}} _ {i}] \ nabla \ otimes {\ hat {e}} _ {i} - \ Delta \ mathbf {T} \\ & = & (\ nabla \ otimes \ operatorname {div} (\ mathbf {T})) \ cdot {\ hat {e}} _ {i} \ otimes {\ hat {e}} _ {i} - \ Delta \ mathbf {T} & = & \ operatorname {grad (div} (\ mathbf {T})) ^ {\ top} - \ Delta \ mathbf {T} \ end {array}}}](
![{\ displaystyle {\ begin {array} {rcl} \ operatorname {red (red} (\ mathbf {T}) ^ {\ top}) & = & - \ Delta \ mathbf {T} - \ operatorname {grad (grad (Sp} (\ mathbf {T}))) + \ operatorname {grad (div} (\ mathbf {T})) + \ operatorname {grad (div} (\ mathbf {T})) ^ {\ top} \ \ && + [\ Delta \ operatorname {Sp} (\ mathbf {T}) - \ operatorname {div (div} (\ mathbf {T}))] \ mathbf {I} \ end {array}}}](
In the case of symmetrical, the following also applies:

The Laplace operator can be treated like a scalar, i.e. inserted anywhere in the formulas, e.g. B .:

Grassmann development

Theorems about gradient, divergence and rotation
Helmholtz theorem : Each vector field can be clearly broken down into a divergence-free and a rotation-free part. According to the integrability conditions for rotations and gradients, the first part is a rotation field and the second is a gradient field.
- A vector field whose divergence and curl disappears, is harmonious: .

- See also theorem on non-rotation fields
Integral sentences
Gaussian integral theorem
- Volume with volume shape and

- Surface with an outer vectorial surface element
- Position vectors
- Scalar, vector or tensor-valued function of the location :

Classic integral theorem from Stokes
- Area with an outer vectorial surface element
- Boundary curve of the surface with line element

- Position vectors
Vector-valued function :

Continuum mechanics
Small deformations
Engineering expansion:

Compatibility Conditions:

Rigid body motion
Orthogonal tensor describes the rotation.

Vector invariant or axial vector of the skew-symmetric tensor :

Rigid body motion with :

Derivatives of the invariants

with the transposed inverse of the tensor .

Eigenvalues (no sum over ):

Function of the invariants:

Time derivatives of the invariants

Time derivative of inverse tensors

Orthogonal tensors:

Convective coordinates
Convective coordinates
Covariant basis vectors , 
Contravariant basis vectors , 

Deformation gradient
Spatial velocity gradient
Covariant tensor
Contravariant tensor
Speed gradient
Spatial velocity gradient:
Speed divergence:

Objective time derivations
Designations as in #Convective coordinates .
Spatial velocity gradient
Spatial distortion speed
Vortex or spin tensor
Objective time derivatives of vectors
Given: :

Objective time derivatives of tensors

Material time derivative

Cartesian coordinates:
Cylindrical coordinates:
Spherical coordinates:
Material time derivatives of vectors are put together using them.

Transport kits
Reynolds transport theorem
- time
- Time-dependent volume with volume shape with

- The surface of the volume and the outer vectorial surface element
- Position vectors
- Speed field:
- A scalar or vector-valued density function per unit of volume that is transported with the moving points.

- The integral quantity for the volume:
Scalar function :

Vector-valued function :

Transport set for curve integrals
- time
- Time-dependent curve along which integration takes place with a spatial, vectorial line element in the volume v

- Position vectors
- Speed field:
- A scalar or vector-valued field quantity that is transported with the moving points.

- The integral quantity along the way:
Scalar function :

Vector-valued function :

↑ In the literature (e.g. Altenbach 2012) the transposed relationship is also used: Then, in order to compare the formulas, and must be swapped.

↑ In the literature (e.g. Truesdell 1972) the transposed relationship is also used: Then, in order to compare the formulas, and must be swapped.

↑ In the literature (e.g. Truesdell 1972) the transposed relationship is also used: Then, in order to compare the formulas, and must be swapped.

^ R. Greve (2003), p. 111
- H. Altenbach: Continuum Mechanics . Springer, 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-24118-5 .
- M. Bestehorn: hydrodynamics and structure formation . Springer, 2006, ISBN 978-3-540-33796-6 .
Adolf J. Schwab : Conceptual world of field theory. Practical, clear introduction. Electromagnetic fields, Maxwell's equations, gradient, rotation, divergence . 6th, unchanged edition. Springer, Berlin a. a. 2002, ISBN 3-540-42018-5 .
Konrad Königsberger : Analysis . revised edition. tape 2. 4 . Springer, Berlin a. a. 2000, ISBN 3-540-43580-8 .
- Ralf Greve: Continuum Mechanics . Springer, 2003, ISBN 3-540-00760-1 .
- C. Truesdell: Solid Mechanics II . In: S. Flügge (Ed.): Handbuch der Physik . Volume VIa / 2. Springer, 1972, ISBN 3-540-05535-5 .