Francesca Arundale

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Francesca Arundale (* 1847 in Brighton , England , † March 23, 1924 in India ) was an English Freemason and theosophist .


Francesca Arundale became a member of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society (TG) in 1881 . In this box she held the function of treasurer or treasurer, presumably until 1891. After the division of the TG in 1895 as a result of the Judge Case , it followed the Theosophical Society Adyar (Adyar-TG). She was a close friend of Helena Blavatsky and Annie Besant . Blavatsky was a frequent guest at Francesca's house. She also lived for years in Germany, where she met leading theosophists of her time, a. a. she frequented Marie Gebhard's house in Elberfeld . In 1902 she followed Besant's call to India to work for the Adyar-TG. On this trip she took George Arundale , whom she adopted and who would later become president of the Adyar-TG. In India, Francesca worked closely with Besant and was particularly active in the TG lodge in Varanasi , she also worked as a teacher.

In 1896 she joined the “mixed” Freemason obedience Le Droit Humain , where in 1902 she reached the 33rd and highest grade . Besant heard about the Lodge Le Droit Humain through Francesca in 1902 and then also joined. Francesca was actively involved in the founding of the first London lodge by Besant in 1902, as well as in the first lodge in India in 1904.

Her sister Marie G. Martin (1848–1914) was the wife of Georges Martin , who - alongside Maria Deraismes - co-founder of Le Droit Humain . Francesca remained unmarried throughout her life.


  1. The Theosophical Movement, Chapter XXIV:
  2. View of the Chohan on the TS:
  3. ^ Andrew Prescott, Builders of the Temple of the New Civilization: Annie Besant and Freemasonry. on-line
  4. Well-known Freemasons. In: December 31, 2005, archived from the original on July 22, 2007 ; accessed on August 7, 2014 .
