Francis Keiichi Satō

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Francis Keiichi Satō OFM ( Japanese フ ラ ン シ ス コ 佐藤 敬 一 , Furanshisuko Satō Keiichi ; born April 11, 1928 in Asahikawa ; † January 2, 2005 ) was Bishop of Niigata .


Francis Keiichi Satō joined the religious order of the Franciscans , made his profession on September 17, 1959 and was ordained a priest on October 7, 1962 .

The Pope appointed him Bishop of Niigata on March 9, 1985 . The Archbishop of Tokyo , Peter Seiichi Shirayanagi , donated him episcopal ordination on June 9 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were Johannes Shōjirō Itō , former bishop of Niigata, and Francis Xavier Kaname Shimamoto IdP , bishop of Urawa .

On May 14, 2004, John Paul II accepted his age-related resignation.

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predecessor Office successor
Johannes Shōjirō Itō Bishop of Niigata
Tarcisio Isao Kikuchi SVD