Francisco Amorós

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Francisco Amorós y Ondeano, Marquis of Sotelo (born February 19, 1770 in Valencia , † August 8, 1848 in Paris ), was a Spanish educator and soldier, temporarily Spanish police chief and interior minister , who had to emigrate to France. In Spain and France he is considered the father of modern physical education .


As the son of a colonel in the Spanish army, he attended a cadet institute at the age of nine , joined the army at 18, and at 23 he had his first command as an officer in the fight against the revolutionaries. He was committed to the physical training of his soldiers ( Real Instituto Militar Pestalozziano, Madrid) according to the methods of Pehr Henrik Ling and Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi . In 1806 he was able to found a school in which pre-military physical exercises had a high priority. By breaking down the exercises and rationality *, his method was considered to be trend-setting. King Charles IV made him a teacher (not only for physical education ) in the royal household the following year . Since this also included girls, he campaigned for the physical education of young women from an early age. After the invasion of Joseph Bonaparte in 1808, he collaborated with the French invaders, whereupon he was first appointed police chief and then Spanish interior minister. In 1814 he had to flee to France with the French troops. Here too he continued his work as a physical educator, initially in private schools. In 1816 he was naturalized to France, in 1819 he was given responsibility for training military instructors in the French army. As in Spain, he was also entrusted with the physical training of the royal children of Charles X Philip . His Le traité d'éducation physique gymnastique et morale (1830) essentially remained the basis of the physical training of the French army until the First World War .

Most important works

  • Memoire on the avantages of the method of Pestalozzi. Fabvre, Paris 1815.
  • Musique des cantiques religieux et moraux. La morale en chansons. Rougeron, Paris 1818.
  • Gymnase normal, militaire et civil. Rougeron, Paris 1826.
  • Manuel d'éducation physique, gymnastique et morale. Roret, Paris 1830. Reprinted in 1838 and 1848. Reprinted in 1929; 2010.
  • Séance d'ouverture du Gymnase civil et orthopédique et principaux résultats de l'expédition de M. le colonel Amoros ... à Saint-Omer [Discours]. 1834.

Individual evidence

  1. Teresa González Aja, José Luis Hernández Vázquez (ed.): Seminario Francisco Amorós: su obra entre dos culturas. INEF, Madrid 1990, ISBN 84-257-0034-5 .
  2. ^ Thierry Arnal: La révolution des mouvements. Gymnastique, morale et democratie au temps d'Amoros (1818-1838). L'Harmattan, Paris 2009, ISBN 978-2-296-09215-0 .
  3. Rafael Fernández Sirvent: Francisco Amorós y los inicios de la educación física moderna: biografía de un funcionario al servicio de España y Francia. San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante 2005.
  4. ^ Philippe Virat: Le colonel Francisco Amoros et l'essor de la gymnastique en France. In: Bulletin de la Société historique et archéologique du XVème arrondissement de Paris. Automne 200, 8, n ° 32, pp. 3-27.
  5. ^ Arnd Krüger : Sport and Politics. From gymnastics father Jahn to state amateur. Torch bearer, Hanover 1975, ISBN 3-7716-2087-2 .