Francisco Lersundi Hormaechea

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Francisco Lersundi Hormaechea

Francisco Lersundi y Hormaechea (born January 28, 1817 in Valencia , † November 17, 1874 in Bayonne ) was a Spanish lieutenant general , politician and President of Spain ( Presidente del Gobierno ) .


Lersundi Hormaechea completed military training after completing school. As an officer he took part in the First Carlist War of 1833.

His political career began on August 31, 1850 when he was elected member of Parliament ( Camara de los Diputados ) for two legislative terms until February 1853 , where he represented the constituency of Guipúzcoa .

On February 6, 1851, he was appointed Minister of War ( Ministro de Guerra ) for the first time and was a member of the Juan Bravo Murillo cabinet until January 16, 1852. On February 26, 1853 he was then promoted to Lieutenant General ( Teniente General ). In addition, he was appointed senator for life ( Senador Vitalicio ) on March 18, 1853 because of his services .

On April 14, 1853, he was appointed President of Spain ( Presidente del Gobierno ) as the successor to Federico Roncali himself . During his term of office, which lasted until September 19, 1853, he also took over the office of Minister of War and Acting Foreign Minister ( Ministro de Estado ).

On October 12, 1856, he was then appointed Minister of the Navy ( Ministro de Marina ) in the fifth cabinet of Ramón María Narváez , to which he belonged until the end of his term on October 15, 1857. Finally, he held the post of Minister of War again in the government of Lorenzo Arrazola García from January 17 to March 1, 1864.

Most recently he was from May to November 1866 and then again from December 1867 to January 1869 Governor and Supreme Commander ( Capitán General ) of the Royal Army ( Ejercito Real ) in Cuba .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. List of Members of Parliament from 1810 to 1977
  2. ^ The Senate between 1834 and 1923 - Senators , accessed June 7, 2017.
  3. ^ List of Foreign Ministers
  4. Governors of Cuba
predecessor Office successor
Federico Roncali Government President of Spain
Luis José Sartorius Tapia