Franz Braumann

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Portrait photo by Franz Braumann

Franz Braumann (born December 2, 1910 in Huttich , Seekirchen am Wallersee , † October 26, 2003 in Köstendorf ) was an Austrian writer. He was an important figure in Austrian children's and youth literature from the 1950s to the 1980s. In addition, he became known through the biographies of important personalities and researchers, such as the social reformer Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen , the researcher Ludwig Leichhardt or the poet Franz Stelzhamer .


Franz Braumann was born as the son of the Augerbauer in Huttich am Wallersee. After completing an apprenticeship as a carpenter, he began to write his first novel, rooted in a rural setting, which was published under the title Friedl and Vroni in 1932. At the same time he attended the teacher training college in Salzburg, where he graduated from high school in 1935. Further novels in rural areas followed in the thirties. He found his first job as a primary school teacher in Oberndorf near Salzburg . During this time he also married his wife Rosa. In 1938 he was transferred to Straßwalchen for political reasons . Drafted into the Wehrmacht, he was soon returned to the teaching profession due to illness. During this time he created his first books for young people, exciting stories that were also set in foreign continents such as America and Asia. From 1945 he worked as the director of the elementary school in Köstendorf. As a result, he successfully expanded his work to include historical and biographical topics. He also received special recognition for this. In 1960 he took early retirement as a teacher and from then on he could devote himself exclusively to his beloved writing. Now there was finally more time available for travels that took him to all continents and from which a number of travel articles and books emerged. Franz Braumann found the conclusion of his literary work in the editing and publication of a series of legends under the title of "Sagenreisen" through the Austrian federal states.



  • Friedl and Vroni , Tyrolia Publishing House, Innsbruck 1932
  • The House of the Four Winds , Verlag Anton Pustet, Salzburg 1935
  • The difficult year for Spaunberger , Otto Müller Verlag, Salzburg 1938
  • Riding to Barantola , Herder Verlag, Vienna 1958
  • A man overcomes hardship , Raiffeisen Verlagsdruckerei, Neuwied am Rhein 1959
  • The enchanted white horse. Strange stories from the Amseltal , Verlag Herder, Vienna 1961 (The "Amseltal" mentioned in the subtitle and allegedly located in Hausruck is a literary fiction .)
  • The black waters by Anahim , Arena Verlag, Würzburg 1962
  • On the trail of the caribou , Arena Verlag, Würzburg 1966
  • Company Paraguay , Verlag Herder, Vienna 1967 (via Anton Sepp )
  • Fire signs on the Biber River , Loewes Verlag, Bayreuth 1968
  • Evi im Wald , Schwabenverlag, Ostfildern 1976
  • Legendary journey through Carinthia , Carinthia Verlag, Klagenfurt 1979
  • Die Feuer der Wildnis , Loewes Verlag, Bayreuth 1983 (contains: The black waters of Anahim and On the track of the caribou )
  • Ascent to the roof of the world , Boje Verlag, Stuttgart 1983, ISBN 3-414-16760-3
  • Salzburg legends journey. Adventurous, magical and wild stories , Verlag der Salzburger Druckerei, Salzburg 1989, ISBN 3-85338-177-4
  • A home by the lake. Stories and stories from seven decades , edited by Christoph Braumann, Verlag Anton Pustet, Salzburg 2010, ISBN 978-3-7025-0638-4


  1. ^ Karl Fiala: A popular recipe book from Seekirchen . In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde , vol. 65 (1962), pp. 38–64, here p. 57.

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