Franz Ludwig Jenner

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Franz Ludwig Jenner, Portrait of Jakob Emanuel Handmann (attributed, around 1771)

Franz Ludwig Jenner (born November 9, 1725 in Bern ; † July 28, 1804 there ; citizen of Bern) was a Swiss magistrate.


Franz Ludwig Jenner was born as the son of the goldsmith Carl Jenner and Elisabeth Meley. He studied law in Göttingen , from where he corresponded with Isaak Iselin . Through the mediation of Johann Georg Zimmermann , he married Marianne Haller, daughter of Albrecht von Haller, in Bätterkinden in 1753 . The two had three children together: Marianne, Karl Samuel and Gottlieb Abraham Jenner . In 1754 he became the librarian of the city library and in 1755 was a member of the Grand Council. In the following year he became assessor of the Welschen Appellationskammer, in 1758 he was chosen as governor of Nidau . In 1776 he became a member of the Small Council, in 1779 Böspfenniger and finally in 1788 Venner . He owned an estate in Gampelen.



  • Erich Gruner : Days of Suffering in an Occupied City. Letters from a Bernese woman from 1798 . In: Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Heimatkunde, Vol. 3 (1941), pp. 97–122. doi: 10.5169 / seals-238987
  • Gottlieb von Jenner: Memories of my Life , ed. and annotated by Eugen von Jenner-Pigott, Bern 1887.
  • J. Keller: From F [ranz] Ludwig Jenner's letters to Isaak Iselin . In: Berner Taschenbuch on the year 1888, pp. 233–260. doi: 10.5169 / seals-125552

Individual evidence

  1. Keller 1888, p. 236.
  2. Keller 1888, p. 235.
  3. Keller 1888, p. 249.
  4. Keller 1888, p. 249.