Franz Saxer

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Franz Saxer (born January 23, 1864 in Goslar , † June 2, 1903 in Leipzig ) was a German pathologist.


Saxer studied medicine at the Hessian Ludwig University of Gießen , the Friedrichs University Halle and the Philipps University of Marburg . Since 1883 he was a member of the Corps Guestphalia Halle . In 1891 he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD. In Marburg he also qualified as a professor for pathological anatomy in 1896 . In 1900, Felix Marchand worked as a private lecturer at the University of Leipzig . In 1901 he became the first prosector . The University of Leipzig appointed him associate professor in 1902 . The following year he died at the age of only 39.


  • Felix Marchand: In memory of Franz Saxer . Centralblatt für Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie 14 (1903), pp. 417-420.
  • Biographies of the outstanding physicians of all times and peoples . 3rd edition, 1962, DbA II, 1124.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corp lists in 1960, 116/1015.
  2. Dissertation: On the papillary cystoma and its relationship to other ovarian tumors .
  3. Habilitation thesis: Anatomical contributions to the knowledge of the so-called syringomyelia .
  4. Leipzig professor catalog