Fratta Terme

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Fratta Terme is a district of the municipality of Bertinoro in the province of Forlì-Cesena in the Emilia-Romagna region , Italy .

Its name is derived from the Latin "civitas fracta" (destroyed city), which was probably used to describe that the place Forum Truentinum did not survive the migration of peoples from before Roman times (the name of which was passed down locally in the street name "Via Trò" and refers to a legendary foundation by Trojans who were tricked here).

The existence of healing mineral springs was known, but they were not analyzed until the 19th century and saved in the early 20th century by the local high school teacher A. Colitto, who was married to the daughter of the owner of the land, who actually used them to build one Factory bought. Eventually the whole thing became Mussolini's project for a new spa in the neighborhood of his hometown Predappio , but then quickly lost its reputation as one of many health resorts operated and "served" by the state rehabilitation system. However, when this system was abandoned by the state, the municipality of Bertinoro did not want to take over the facilities itself, but sold them as a whole to the owner of a spa hotel in Bagno di Romagna , who from now on is responsible for the first fully privatized spa operation as part of his 2007 completely refurbished reopened hotels was responsible.

The thermal springs in the park

The front four sulfur springs as seen from the park entrance

The specialty of this health resort is that on the relatively small area of ​​the spring park, which belongs to the health resort hotel, mineral waters in seven different compositions come together in the same valley basin and are therefore available on site. Six of these springs are sulphurous because the water initially flowed through a layer of gypsum underground (the same as in the other Romagna spas on the edge of the Apennines ), but then, depending on the route, continued through layers of rock with different minerals . Only these waters have enclosed springs because only they can be used for drinking cures and the water can be found almost under the surface of the earth. Since the completely renovated spa hotel opened in 2007, only one of these springs has been used for the smaller pool in the “Percorso Armonie Naturali” bathing area.

The salt , bromine and iodine source (with 80 grams of salts per liter) is located 200 meters below the surface, was developed through a borehole and is heated to feed the large pool and the warm part of the Kneipp facility in the spa hotel's bathing section. You can also use your water in the hotel kitchen as an alternative to drinking water with table salt.

The sulfur springs in the order of the park in detail

The only working spring enclosure in summer 2016: Solfurea Rinfrescativa

Preliminary remark: At the moment none of these waters has been prepared for official drinking cures.

Magnesiaca: As the name suggests and the gray color shows, it also contains magnesium

Ferruginosa: As can be seen by the rust color, rich in iron and thus with anemia indexed.

Solfurea Rinfrescativa: For the kidneys and organs for the production and drainage of urine; tastes like an egg that you can just eat well.

Salino Solfurea: more concentrated, especially in the salt content

Acqua purgatoria ("Vetustus Romanus fons ..."): For diseases of the digestive tract, more balanced or more concentrated than the known Hungarian sources.

Tettuccio Romagnolo: according to the inscription; the name "Tettuccio" was initially taken over by Montecatini without permission and only permitted through Mussolini's personal intervention with the addition of "Romagnolo", but more concentrated than the occurrences there., p. 11

Because of the strong laxative effect of the latter two waters, there is a building with toilets at the end of the park, today in the transition to the outdoor pool.

Other buildings and facilities

In the little house "Acque Calde" the mineral water was heated and could be alternated with the natural cold version. Due to the high salt content, its operation quickly became unprofitable due to corrosion.

The fountains in the park are natural freshwater springs directed to the respective location, not pumps.

The small building with the four pillars in front was a small museum for Roman excavations on site. Before that there was a pond with the possibility to go pedal boating.

Individual evidence

  1. Gaetano Sgarzi: Intorno all'acqua minerale della Fratta - descrizione analitica . Tipografia Casali, Forlì 1847 (Italian, 8 p., Limited preview in the Google book search).
  2. a b m. AM: Sull'acqua minerale della Fratta - notes storiche, analitiche e terapeutiche . Tipografia Casali, Forlì 1851 (Italian, 24 p., Limited preview in Google book search).

Coordinates: 44 ° 8 '  N , 12 ° 6'  E