Women - Research - Archeology

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Women - Research - Archeology (abbreviated FFA ) is a series of scientific publications that combines approaches from women's studies and gender studies with archaeological topics. It is published by Waxmann Verlag , Münster and is published by FemArcEdition, the editorial board of FemArc - network of women working in archeology . The committee consists (as of 2020) of ten relevant research scientists.


The first previous volume in the series with the title Feminism and Archeology ?! documented the founding event of the network in 1991 and, like the one that followed, was still self-published. In 1995 these preliminary stages resulted in the series Women - Research - Archeology , which was initially located at Agenda Verlag (FFA 1–3), and has been published by Waxmann Verlag since 2002 .

Main topics

The concept of the series encompasses approaches from feminist archeology and women's and gender studies within the archaeological subjects. As a rule, contributions from different subjects are represented under one main topic: primarily prehistory and early history , then classical archeology ; Contributions from Egyptology and Near Eastern archeology are rarer ; In addition, there are occasionally contributions from other ancient studies (e.g. ancient history , classical philology ) or ethnology . In some cases the topic raised in the volume was treated scientifically for the first time on a larger scale.

Many volumes are conference publications: either for conferences of the network of women working in archeology or for the gender research working group, which takes place regularly at the annual conferences of the German associations for antiquity research .

The languages ​​of publication (as of 2020) are German and English.

Editionaries (as of 2020)

With one exception, the 10 editors are prehistory and early historians . Susanne Moraw is a classical archaeologist and had a minor in Prehistory and Protohistory. The table gives an overview of the main research priorities, which are also reflected in the directions of the series.

Research focus of the editors
Surname Focus
Jana Esther Fries Hallstatt period , settlement archeology, feminist archeology
Doris Gutsmiedl-Schümann Late antiquity and early Middle Ages
Michaela Helmbrecht Early history of Scandinavia ( Vendel and Viking times ), Merovingian and Carolingian times in southern Germany
Julia Katharina Koch Metal times
Kerstin Kowarik Human-environment relationships, land use dynamics , resource management and prehistoric mining, computer-aided modeling in archeology
Jutta Leskovar Hallstatt period
Susanne Moraw Late antiquity
Ulrike Rambuscheck Archeology and Gender Studies , History of Science and Philosophy of Science
Grietje Suhr Early Middle Ages to Late Middle Ages , cultural landscape and castle stalls research
Katja Winger Iron Age settlement archeology


  • Volume 1: Helga Brandt, Jana Esther Fries, Eva-Maria Mertens (eds.): Women - Research - Archeology. Report on the 2nd conference of the network of women working in archeology from April 23-24, 1994 in Tübingen . Agenda Verlag Münster 1995, ISBN 3-929440-64-4
  • Volume 2: Helga Brandt, Julia K. Koch (eds.): Queen, nun, farmer. Women in the Early Middle Ages, Kiel Conference 1995 . Agenda Verlag Münster 1996, ISBN 3-929440-82-2
  • Volume 3: Sigrun M. Karlisch, Sibylle Kästner, Eva-Maria Mertens (eds.): From bone man to human woman. Feminist Theory and Archaeological Practice Conference Stralsund 1996 . Agenda Verlag Münster 1997, ISBN 3-89688-011-X .
  • Volume 4: Julia Katharina Koch, Eva-Maria Mertens (Ed.): A lady between 500 men. Johanna Mestorf - work and effect . Waxmann, Münster 2002, ISBN 978-3-8309-1066-4
  • Volume 5: Sylvie Bergmann-Kickenberg, Sibylle Kästner, Eva-Maria Mertens (eds.): Goddesses, graves and learned women . Waxmann, Münster 2004, ISBN 978-3-8309-1285-9
  • Volume 6: Jana Esther Fries, Julia Katharina Koch (eds.): Unearthed between material clusters and time slices. Perspectives on archaeological gender research . Waxmann, Münster 2005, ISBN 978-3-8309-1515-7
  • Volume 7: Jana Esther Fries, Ulrike Rambuscheck, Gisela Schulte-Dornberg (eds.): Science or Fiction? Gender roles in archaeological images of life. Report of the 2nd meeting of the gender research group during the 5th German Archaeological Congress in Frankfurt (Oder) 2005 . Waxmann, Münster 2007, ISBN 978-3-8309-1749-6
  • Volume 8: Ulrike Rambuscheck (Ed.): Between discourse analysis and isotope research. Methods of archaeological gender research. Report of the 3rd meeting of the gender research group at the 78th meeting of the Northwest German Association for Antiquity Research in Schleswig 2007 . Waxmann, Münster 2009, ISBN 978-3-8309-2112-7
  • Volume 9: Jana Esther Fries, Ulrike Rambuscheck (ed.): Of economic power and military strength. Contributions to archaeological gender research. Report of the 4th meeting of the gender research group at the 79th annual meeting of the North-West German Association for Antiquity Research in Detmold 2009 . Waxmann, Münster 2011, ISBN 978-3-8309-2491-3
  • Volume 10: Jana Esther Fries, Doris Gutsmiedl-Schümann (eds.): Excavators, researchers, pioneers. Selected portraits of early archaeologists in the context of their time . Waxmann, Münster 2013, ISBN 978-3-8309-2872-0
  • Volume 11: Susanne Moraw, Anna Kieburg (Ed.): Girls in Antiquity / Girls in Antiquity . Waxmann, Münster 2014, ISBN 978-3-8309-3101-0

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Women - Research - Archeology. Series on the website of Verlag Waxmann, accessed on July 9, 2020.
  2. a b The editors. FemArc website, accessed July 9, 2020.
  3. Sibylle Kästner, Sigrun M. Karlisch (Ed.): Feminism and Archeology ?! Symposium Tübingen 1991 . Self-published, Tübingen 1991.
  4. Eva-Maria Mertens, Julia K. Koch, Jana Fries (eds.): Report on the conference of women archaeologists 1992 in Kiel. 1st meeting of the network of women working in archeology from 16.-18. 10. 1992 in Kiel . Self-published, Kiel 1993.
  5. See the review by Sandra Busch-Hellwig in Nachrichten aus Niedersachsens Urgeschichte 83, 2014, pp. 195–199 on FFA 10 excavators, researchers, pioneers. Selected portraits of early archaeologists in the context of their time or the reviews by Uroš Matic in Archäologische Informations 2015 ( PDF ) and Michaela Rücker in Antike Welt 2015 ( Online ) on FFA 11 Girls in Antiquity .
  6. Gender Research Group . Retrieved November 8, 2015 .
  7. Dr. Kerstin Kowarik. Website of the University of Vienna, accessed on July 9, 2020.