Fredi Chiappelli

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Fredi Chiappelli von Zdekauer (born January 24, 1921 in Florence , † March 22, 1990 in Los Angeles , California ) was an Italian philologist , historian and Renaissance researcher .


As the son of the artist Francesco Chiappelli and his wife Maria, daughter of the Prague-born legal historian Ludwig Zdekauer , Fredi Chiapelli grew up in a household in which the scholarly examination of culture was a matter of course. After his exams in linguistics at the University of Florence in 1945 (and a short time as a lecturer at the University of Florence), he continued his studies at the University of Tübingen and the University of Zurich . From 1947 to 1969 he was a professor at the Universities of Lausanne and Neuchâtel , where he taught in French. In 1969 he became professor of Italian language at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and from 1972 to 1988 he was director of the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at UCLA. He developed this into the leading research institute for this area in America. He was visiting professor at various universities in the USA, Canada, Scandinavia, Spain and Australia.

Scientific work

Chiappelli dealt with a multitude of topics that essentially originated from authors of the Italian Renaissance. He was considered to be the world's leading Petrarch researcher. At the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies , he organized several international conferences each year (35 in 16 years) that fostered collaboration among scholars from around the world. During the same period, the centre's series of publications published eighty scientific books. 1980 he threw u. a. a stone in the water with the international conference Sport and the Emergence of the Modern Spirit , in which he asked whether the modern thinking of the Renaissance did not also have an influence on modern sport . He saw himself primarily as a linguist who not only mastered modern languages ​​(German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Latin), but also their earlier forms from the Middle Ages on. His mammoth work, exhibitions and conferences for the 500th anniversary of the landing of Columbus in America, he could no longer complete due to illness.



  • Dennis Dutschke: In Memoriam: Fredi Chiappelli von Zdekauer (1921–1990). In: Italica. Vol. 67, 1990, H. 4, pp. Vii-ix ( digitized from JSTOR ).
  • Dennis J. Dutschke, Pier Massimo Forni, Filippo Grazzini, Benjamin R. Lawton, Laura Sanguineti (eds.): Forma e parola. Studi in memoria di Fredi Chiappelli. Bulzoni, Rome 1992, ISBN 88-7119-504-3 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dennis Dutschke: In Memoriam: Fredi Chiappelli von Zdekauer (1921–1990). In: Italica. Vol. 67, H. 4, 1990, pp. Vii-ix ( digitized version ).
  2. ^ Fredi Chiapelli: Foreword. In: Arnd Krüger , John McClelland (ed.): The beginnings of modern sports in the Renaissance (= contributions and sources on sports and society. Vol. 2). Arena Publications, London 1984, ISBN 0-902175-45-9 , p. 3.
  3. ^ Membership catalog of the Crusca