Fresenius Prize

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Commemorative coin (Fresenius), which is awarded by the GDCh as a special award in the field of analytics.

The Fresenius Prize was founded in 1961 by the Society of German Chemists at the suggestion of its Analytical Chemistry department . He is reminiscent of the Privy Councilor Carl Remigius Fresenius (1818–1897), who is one of the founders of analytical chemistry in Germany thanks to his scientific work, his textbooks and the laboratory he founded. It is awarded at irregular intervals to scientists who “have made special contributions to the scientific development and the promotion of analytical chemistry”. The winner receives a gold medal, a certificate and a sum of money.

There is also a National Fresenius Award from the American Chemical Society .

Award winners

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. “Elements of Analytics” , September 17, 2019, advance notice of the GDCh: “This year's Fresenius Prize winners Prof. Dr. Andrea Sinz (Halle) and Prof. Dr. Detlev Belder (Leipzig) on ​​her current work ”. Retrieved April 24, 2019.