Frieda Fronmüller

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Friederike Helene Emma Fronmüller (born September 8, 1901 in Lindau (Lake Constance) , † March 13, 1992 in Nuremberg ) was a German Evangelical Lutheran church musician and composer .

life and work

Memorial plaque for Frieda Fronmüller on the Fürth Ehrenweg

Frieda Fronmüller was a daughter of Paul Fronmüller , who was pastor at the Fürth city ​​church of St. Michael from 1914 to 1935 . She received private music lessons and then studied music in Leipzig and from 1925 to 1930 at the Nuremberg Conservatory , where she graduated with an overall grade of one.

As early as 1923 she became organist at the Fürth city church, and in 1932 she was also choirmaster. She remained in these offices until her retirement in 1964. In 1955, she was the first woman in Germany to receive the title of church music director . In 1966 she was honored with the school music prize of the city of Fürth and in 1971 with the Federal Cross of Merit.

Frieda Fronmüller composed sacred cantatas , motets and songs as well as chamber music . Her chorale cantatas for choir and brass have been performed many times. Her melody for Philipp Spitta's Rejoice in the beautiful earth is contained in the Evangelical Hymnal (No. 510).


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