Friederike Magdalene Jerusalem

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Friederike Magdalene Jerusalem (born on April 4, 1750, 1756 or 1759 in Braunschweig ; died on April 15, 1836 in Stift Wülfinghausen ) was a German poet.


She was the daughter of the important Enlightenment theologian Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Jerusalem and Martha Christina, née. Pfeiffer. Her brother was Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem , who, through his unfortunate death, became the model of Goethe's Werther . In her parents' house, where she lived until her father's death in 1789, she met a number of important contemporaries, including Johann Caspar Lavater , and became acquainted with Johann Georg Zimmermann and Friedrich Leopold Graf zu Stolberg .

In those years she published under acronyms such as Y., Ms. J., Msl. FJ or Jsm. a series of poems that also appeared in the Göttingen Musenalmanaks in 1783 and 1787. Your poetry is close to the Göttinger Hain and especially to Ludwig Hölty . Objects are next to people ( An Höltys Schatten , 1785), nature, seasons and times of day.

After her father's death, she lived as a canon at Wülfinghausen Abbey until her death . She was occasionally named as the editor of her father's writings, but these were edited by her sister Philippine Charlotte Jerusalem.



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Individual evidence

  1. There is uncertainty about the year of birth. The years given vary between 1750 (Killy, DBE ), 1756 ( German biography ) and 1759 ( GND , Schindel).