Göttingen muse almanac

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Title 1786

Göttinger Musenalmanach is the title of two German literary newspapers published between the 18th and 20th centuries.

A number of literary newspapers of the 18th and 19th centuries had the expression Musen-Almanach in the title, which was derived from the Muses , the entourage of the Greek god Apollo , the Arabic expression al manha for gift or New Year's present and which has been used since the late 17th century evidenced, derives the designation as sons of the muses (also sons of the muses ) corresponding to the self-image of the academic youth . Usually these were newspapers with literary news, reviews and opportunities to publish your own works for the first time.

Göttingen Muses Almanac (1770–1807)

In 1770 the first year was published by Johann Christian Dieterich in Göttingen . Founded had him Heinrich Christian Boie and Friedrich Wilhelm gods , later, as was poetic anthology titled Göttingen (sometimes Göttingen shear ) Musenalmanach of Karl Reinhard taken. The last volume appeared in 1807. Other places of publication were Waldeck and Münster .

The Göttingen Musenalmanach was created in the context of the Göttingen Hainbund , an association of writers from the Sturm und Drang era. Members were Boie, Carl Christian Clauswitz , Carl Friedrich Cramer , Christian Hieronymus Esmarch , Schack Hermann Ewald , Leopold Friedrich Günther von Goeckingk , Johann Friedrich Hahn , Ludwig Christoph Heinrich Hölty , Johann Anton Leisewitz , Johann Martin Miller , the Counts of Stolberg , Johann Heinrich Voß and Johann Thomas Ludwig Wehrs .

Göttingen Muses Almanac (1896–1905)

Title 1896

Following on from this tradition, a Göttingen Muses Almanac was published in 1896 for 1896. Edited by Göttingen students (editor: Karl von Arnswaldt ) in the Dieterich 's publishing house in Göttingen. Börries Freiherr von Münchhausen took over the editing of the Göttingen Musenalmanach for 1898. Published by Göttingen students , which - like the following ones - was published by Lüder Horstmann Verlag in Göttingen. The Göttingen Musenalmanach for 1900. Edited by Göttingen students , for which Levin Ludwig Schücking edited, was published by the same publisher as early as 1899. The following two editions, the Göttingen Musenalmanach for 1901 and the Göttingen Musenalmanach for 1905 , no longer name Göttingen students as editors , but Börries Freiherr von Münchhausen. The last recordable Göttinger Musenalmanach published by students in 1947 (with a foreword by Dr. Horst Ziegler) was published by the publishing house of the Göttinger Universitätszeitung GmbH in Göttingen.


The Förderverein Gottfried August Bürger Molmerswende e.V. is providing five facsimiles of Göttingen musenalmanacs (1771, 1772, 1774, 1778 and 1793). V. in its ONLINE LIBRARY:


  • Hans Grantzow: History of the Göttingen and the Vossian muse almanac . Dissertation, Berlin 1909.
  • York-Gothart Mix: The German Muses Almanacs of the 18th Century . Beck, Munich 1987, ISBN 3-406-32332-4 .
  • Carl Christian Redlich: Attempt of a cipher lexicon on the Göttingen, Vossian, Schiller and Schlegel-Tieck musenalmanacs . Hamburg 1875. Digitized version (PDF; 950 kB)
  • Burghard Rieger : Poetae Studiosi. Analysis of student poetry from the 19th and 20th centuries , Thesen Verlag Vowinckel, Frankfurt 1970, ISBN 3-7677-0003-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. Dendrono (Johann Georg Puschner 1680-1749): Natural description of academic life , Altdorf bey Nürnberg (n.d.)
  2. ^ Burghard Rieger: Poetae Studiosi , pp. 26–31

Web links

Wikisource: Muses Almanacs  - Sources and Full Texts