Friedrich Adolph Schilling

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Friedrich Adolph Schilling (born March 9, 1792 in Pegau ; † January 27, 1865 in Leipzig ) was a German legal scholar.


Schilling attended the Pforta state school and then completed a degree at the University of Leipzig . In 1816 he received his doctorate in law and completed his habilitation in the same year. After spending some time as a private lecturer, he became associate professor of law at the University of Halle-Wittenberg in 1818/19 , changed to full professor at the University of Breslau in 1822 and returned to Leipzig in 1825, where he took over the professorship of Roman law.

As an assessor in the law faculty and the University Court in Leipzig, he became canon in Naumburg and received the prelature of the Merseburg Monastery with further university advancement . As a deputy senior at the law faculty, he was also a member of the administrative deputation and had organizational tasks at the Leipzig University. In the years 1836/37, 1842/43, 1851/52 and 1852/53 he was rector of the Alma Mater . As a representative of Leipzig University, he was a member of the first chamber of the Saxon state parliament in 1839/40 and 1847 .


  • Diss. Critica de fragmento juris romani Dositheano, denuo graece et latine edito. Pars I, continens, et ipsum textum fragmenti Dositheani et quaestiones nonnullas ad totum hoc fragmentum spectantes. Leipzig 1819
  • Diss. Critica de Ulpiani fragmentis. Wroclaw 1824
  • Remarks on Roman Legal History. A review of Hugo's textbook on the history of Roman law . Publisher by Johann Abrosius Barth, Leipzig, 1829.
  • Animadversiones criticae ad Ulp. Fragmenta spec. I. Leipzig 1830
  • Textbook for institutions and history of Roman private law. Leipzig 1834–1837, 1846
  • Textbook of natural law or philosophical jurisprudence. Leipzig 1859–63
  • Animadvers. crit. ad diversos jur Justinei locos spec. XI Leipzig 1857
  • Comment. Qua inquiritur, jurisconsulentorum rom. De naturali et gentium jure Opiniones quamnam vim habuerint in jure civili excolendo. Leipzig 1862


  • Teichmann: Schilling, Friedrich Adolf, In: Encyclopedia of Jurisprudence in systematic and alphabetical processing. Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig, 1876, p. 543
  • Leipziger Zeitung, scientific supplement from March 19, 1865
  • Georg Christoph Hamberger , Johann Georg Meusel : The learned Teutschland, or lexicon of the now living German writers. Meyerische Buchhandlung, Lemgo, 1825, vol. 20, p. 110 ( online )

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Individual evidence

  1. Josef Matzerath : Aspects of Saxon State Parliament History - Presidents and Members of Parliament from 1833 to 1952 , Saxon State Parliament 2001, p. 49