Friedrich August Grotefend

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Friedrich August Grotefend (born December 12, 1798 in Ilfeld , † February 28, 1836 in Göttingen ) was a German philologist .

Grotefend was a son of the general superintendent Johann Gregor Grotefend and Luise Meißner (1768-1836), a daughter of Karl Friedrich Meißner, the director of the Ilfeld pedagogy . As a member of an important north German family of scholars of the 19th century, Grotefend was a nephew of Georg Friedrich Grotefend , the decipherer of the cuneiform script .

Grotefend went to school in Clausthal and initially studied theology and philology in Göttingen . In 1820 he won the first prize of the theological task set by the faculty by comparing Platonic and Christian ethics. The school authorities became aware of him and made him a collaborator in 1821, after having worked as a private tutor for a year, and in 1826 the vice-principal at the Pedagogy in Ilfeld. From 1831 on he was director of the grammar school in Göttingen . Here he also received an extraordinary professorship at the Georg-August-Universität in 1835 , but he died on February 28, 1836, after having been in poor health for several years.

He was married to Luise Nöldeke, a daughter of Pastor Johann Christoph Nöldeke in Suderburg .


  • Commentatio in qua doctrina Platonis ethica cum Christiana comparatur. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1820 (digitized version) .
  • Detailed grammar of the Latin language. 2 vols. Hahn, Hanover 1829/30 (revised new edition by August Krüger 1842).
  • Latin school grammar. Hahn, Hanover 1833 (digitized version) .


supporting documents

  1. Georg Meyer: Directory of teachers and students of the Ilfeld pedagogy from Easter 1800 to before Easter 1853. In: Annual report on the Royal Monastery School in Ilfeld, from Easter 1905 to Easter 1906. Göttingen 1906, pp. 3–71, here p. 6 .
  2. Hans-Joachim Heerde: The audience of physics. Lichtenberg's listener. Wallstein, Göttingen 2006, p. 421 .
  3. ^ Hermann GrotefendGrotefend, August . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 9, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1879, p. 762 f.
  4. Georg Heinrich Oesterley : Attempt of an academic scholarly history from the Georg Augustus University in Göttingen. Fourth part. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1838, p. 301 f. (with list of publications p. 302, note 1).
  5. ^ Hartmut BobzinNöldeke, Theodor Eduard Bernhard. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 19, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-428-00200-8 , p. 311 f. ( Digitized version ).