Friedrich August fair

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Friedrich August Kirmes (also: Fridrich August Kirmes and Friedrich August Kirmeß ; * around 1784 ; † May 19, 1858 in Hanover ) was a German court - bathers , surgeons , entrepreneurs , leeches - traders and local politicians .


Friedrich August Kirmes was born around 1784 at the time of the Electorate of Braunschweig-Lüneburg during the personal union between Great Britain and Hanover .

At the time of the Kingdom of Hanover , Kirmes was already referred to in the address book of the city of Hanover as "Chirurgus" with its seat at Calenberger Straße 267 .

Hofbader "Kirmeß" with the number 58 was already a member of the horticultural association when the horticultural association for the Kingdom of Hanover was founded on September 22, 1832.

The leech colony at Entenfang in Hanover bred the medically effective bloodsuckers

Even before the beginning of industrialization in the kingdom, Kirmes worked at the latest in early 1833 with the title of Hofbader. As such, "FA Kirmes" advertised as a dealer with headquarters in the "Rotherei No. 373 ”in the Calenberger Neustadt on January 26, 1833 in the Hannoversche Zeitung different sizes and combinations of leeches to be sent alive at different prices. It is assumed, however, that Kirmes had already been trading in medical leeches before 1833 , since "bathers and surgeons [...] have needed the little bloodsuckers since ancient times". However, since the demand was not easy to meet, the Landdrostei Hannover issued a tender in 1826 calling on the city and rural physicians to urge surgeons and bathers to always “... to keep a supply of real and good leeches.” Almost two decades later In the Hanover address book there was a note of regular breeding of ducks for 1845 .

On February 13, 1838 Hofbader Kirmes was one of 14 elected mayor of the city of Hanover, while he previously worked under the court shoemaker Weydemann temporarily together with the court carpenter Goslar and the shoemaker Hasselkusel as district chairman in the "Great Duvenstrasse district". As a local politician, he played a role in the Hanoverian constitutional conflict , but for fear of the consequences he was rather loyal to the state and submissive in the spirit of the monarch King Ernst August von Hanover . For example, he did not accept an invitation from the transport politician Bernhard Hausmann to the mayor's college to come to his house to discuss relevant protests.

In 1847 the Hofbader and leech seller lived in the house Rote Reihe 12. After he died at the age of 74, his widow was still one of three leech dealers in Hanover in 1869 in the same house.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Real Court Surgeons , in: State and address calendar for the Kingdom of Hanover for the year 1836 , Hanover: Printed and published by E. Berenberg, Georgstrasse No. 19, [o. D.], p. 94; Digitized via Google books
  2. a b Address book of the royal capital and residence city of Hanover , section 4: Alphabetical list of residents , p. 105; Digitized version of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library (GWLB) via the German Research Foundation (DFG)
  3. ^ A b Directory of the Michaelis 1832 members of the horticultural association for the Kingdom of Hanover , printed by L. Pockwitz, Hanover 1833, p. 16; Digitized via Google books
  4. a b c Court and State Handbook for the Kingdom of Hanover for the year 1858 , Hanover: Druck und Verlag der Berenbergschen Druckerei, Theaterplatz No. 3, [1858], p. IX; Digitized via Google books
  5. a b c d Ludwig Hoerner : Leech dealings , in ders .: Agents, Bader and Copisten. Hannoversches Gewerbe-ABC 1800–1900 . Ed .: Hannoversche Volksbank , Reichold, Hannover 1995, ISBN 3-930459-09-4 , p. 59f .; here: p. 60; limited preview in Google Book search
  6. a b c Hanover portfolio. Collection of files on the history of the Hanoverian constitutional struggle. Second volume, containing the most important of the presentations and declarations submitted to the Bundestag between June and September 1839 , Stuttgart: Verlag von Adolph Krabbe, 1839, p. 71; Digitized via Google books
  7. ^ Hannoversches Adressbuch for the year 1823, section 2: Alphabetical index of the local inhabitants with remark of their business, the streets in which they live and the house number , p. 70; Digitization of the GWLB via the DFG
  8. Bruno Hülsmann (arrangement): Horticultural Association for the Kingdom of Hanover 1832 to 1862 , in ders .: 150 Years of the Horticultural Association of the Capital Hanover 1832 - 1982 , Festschrift, [oO; Hanover; o. D .; 1982], pp. 5f.
  9. ^ Address book of the royal capital and residence city of Hanover for 1845 , Department 15: Sights , p. 110; Digitization of the GWLB via the DFG
  10. Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter , double volume 7–8, 1904, p. 135; limited preview in Google Book search
  11. ^ Johann Karl Bertram Stüve : Actual presentation of the results of the investigation procedure initiated against the magistrate of the capital and residence city of Hanover for insulting the government of the Kingdom of Hanover through various submissions to the German Federal Assembly. Along with supplements , in Johann Karl Immanuel Buddeus (ed.): German State Archives , Volume 1, Jena: Friedrich Frommann, 1840, pp. 119, 229, 236; Digitized via Google books
  12. ^ Bernhard Hausmann: Memories from the eighty-year life of a Hanoverian citizen , Hanover: Hahnsche Hofbuchhandlung, 1873, p. 159; Digitized via Google books
  13. Leech handle. , in: Address book and business manual of the royal residence city of Hanover , Department 1: Address and housing gazette , Part 4: Directory according to estates and trades , p. 455; Digitized via Google books