Friedrich Carl Wilhelm Bütow

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Friedrich Carl Wilhelm Bütow , also Buettow (born October 24, 1813 in Treptow an der Rega , † between 1876 and 1897) was a German organ builder.


He was born to Christian Friederich Buettow and Willemine Elisabeth Teppern . His siblings were Caroline Charlotte , born on November 6th, 1816, who married the bookbinder Georg Mühlke and the younger brother Fritz , a teacher in Königsberg in the Neumark .

On his wandering he came to Königsberg in 1846 and probably applied for the maintenance of the Marien organ after the death of the organ builder A. Landowans . He became a citizen of the city and built a workshop in 1850. In the same year he married Marie Deleroi (a de la Roi) . By 1876, sixteen organs with mechanical sliders had been built in the Bütow workshop . Unfortunately, as a result of the Second World War, practically nothing of his organs was preserved. His son Paul Bütow , born on December 31, 1854, learned the trade from his father and continued the workshop until 1925. He took over the construction of his future teacher Wilhelm Sauer , Frankfurt (Oder) and also built cone shop organs . It is acceptable that the organ in the church of Groß Lindow was his masterpiece.

It is not certain when Friedrich Carl Wilhelm Bütow died, probably before 1897, since at that time it can only be proven that the son lived together with his mother in an apartment at Klosterstrasse 276.


  • 1847, Rohrbeck (Rosnowo), collaboration on the Landowans organ as a journeyman, 10 stops , II manuals , pedal
  • 1850, Dertzow (Derczewo), 7 registers, I manual, pedal
  • 1851 Dürren Selchow (Żelichów), 8 stops, II manuals, pedal
  • around 1852 Dobberhpul (Dobropole Gryfińskie), technical data no longer exist, reconstruction in 1910 by the organ builder Wilhelm Sauer
  • 1853 Klein Mantel (Mętno Małe), 4 registers, I positive
  • around 1854 Herrendorf (Chłopowo), 4 stops, I manual, pedal
  • 1856 Reichenfelde (Garnowo), 5 stops, I manual, pedal
  • around 1857 Wedell (Czartoryja), 6 registers, I manual, pedal
  • 1863 Kutzdorf (Gudzisz), 9 registers, I manual, pedal
  • 1863 Grabow (Grabowo), 9 registers, I manual, pedal
  • 1864 Klein Wubiser (Stare Objezierze), 8 registers, I manual, pedal
  • 1868 Woltersdorf (Mirowo), 6 registers, I manual, pedal
  • 1870 Wuthenow (Otanów), 7 registers, I manual, pedal, case front was preserved
  • Probably 1871 Kerkow (Kierzków), 10 stops, II manuals, pedal, the lower part of the case was preserved in the gallery
  • 1872 Bellin (Bielin), 8 registers, I manual, pedal, rebuilt in 1906 by the organ building company Wilhelm Sauer, 10 registers, II manual, pedal and probably pneumatic cone chests
  • 1874 Klemzow (Klępicz), 8 registers, I manual, pedal
  • 1876 Görlsdorf (Góralice), 11 stops, II manuals, pedal, the only ones preserved


  • Karl Richter: The Bütow organ building workshop in Königsberg / Nm. A contribution to the history of the Brandenburg country organ building. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2010, ISBN 978-3-8391-8059-4 .