Friedrich Heinrich Zinckgraf

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Friedrich Heinrich Zinckgraf (born October 30, 1878 ; † June 7, 1954 ) was a German gallery owner , art dealer and philatelist from Munich .

Zinckgraf had worked for a long time at the Heinemann gallery in Munich owned by a Jewish family . When the persecution of the Jews became worse, Zinckgraf saw its time. In 1938/1939 he appropriated the Heinemann Gallery on Lenbachplatz . The owner Franziska Heinemann was after the November pogroms 1938 on 9/10. November 1938 was jailed. She was only released after she had agreed to an "extremely unfair" purchase offer from her employee Zinckgraf. His friend, the former Minister of Economics and former Reichsbank President Hjalmar Schacht, as a silent partner, helped him by providing capital.

Zinckgraf was a committed, well-known philatelist and sponsor of the philatelic department of the Munich City Library . He was also president of the Munich Postage Stamp Club for decades. In 1953, Zinckgraf received the Cross of Merit (Steckkreuz) of the Federal Republic of Germany. After Zinckgraf's death, the club donated a medal named after Zinckgraf in his honor, which is given to young collectors. Just two years after his death, the city of Munich dedicated a street to him in the Großhadern district .


  • Obituary. In: The collector's magnifying glass No. 15 from 1954, volume No. 9, p. 227
  • Christopher Kopper : Hjalmar Schacht. The rise and fall of Hitler's most powerful banker. Munich 2006, ISBN 3-446-40700-6 . (Schacht was friends with Zinckgraf)

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Wolfgang Maassen (Ed.): Who is who in philately? A lexicon of well-known philatelists of the 19th and 20th centuries Century. Verlag Phil Creativ, Schwalmtal 1999, ISBN 3-932198-32-8 , page 237 f
  2. Christopher Kopper: New contradictions in the life of a contradicting personality. In: German Historical Institute Moscow, Bulletin No 2/2008, p. 34f. online (PDF; 1.1 MB) ( Memento from December 3, 2011 in the Internet Archive )