Friedrich I. (Salzburg)

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Friedrich († May 1, 991 in Salzburg ) was a Salzburg archbishop and abbot of the St. Peter monastery in the 10th century.


Friedrich I came from the Sigharding family (named after a leading name of the clan) and thus also from the Bavarian nobility. This family had administered counties in Chiemgau and Salzburggau (today Flachgau and Rupertigau ) for many generations . This archbishop was elected after a three-year vacancy at the Synod of Ingelheim , largely at the instigation of Otto the Great .

In 961, this loyal servant of the later Emperor Otto accompanied to Italy and most likely also to the imperial coronation, which Pope John XII. on February 2, 962. Five days after the coronation of the emperor, Pope Frederick I confirmed all rights and possessions of the archbishopric , including the patrimony in Bavaria that Pope Agapit II gave in return for an annual lease. The solemn use of the pallium , which had already been awarded to Friedrich in 958, was now allowed to him for another 4 festive days in the annual cycle. On the occasion of the Synod of Ravenna in 967, in which the threat of banishment against Herold was repeated, Pope Frederick I expressly praised him as a venerable and praiseworthy man.

In 967 Friedrich moved to Italy again with the Kaiser , personally delivering the 70 Panzerreiter that Friedrich had to provide for Otto's wars. In the war Heinrich the quarrel against the emperor, he was a reliable support of the emperor. It is understandable that Otto rewarded the Archbishop of Salzburg with various new favors in the form of goods for the archbishopric, above all with the property in Grabenstätt in Chiemgau and the Herrenchiemsee (which was drafted under Herold) , which later became the basis of the extensive property of the Salzburg man Should form cathedral chapter in Chiemgau. The archbishop also received a forest area on the Traun and other salt rights in Reichenhall.

The role of Frederick I was thus that of a very typical Ottonian imperial bishop , who took on the emperor's primary tasks, accompanied him on military campaigns, assisted in uprisings and therefore only had limited time to work and shape the church in his archdiocese.

In the course of the internal church reform, however, he considered it appropriate to separate the duties of Abbot of St. Peter from those of the Archbishop. He therefore appointed the highly educated monk Tito from the monastery of St. Emmeran as the new abbot to St. Peter. Friedrich also separated the previous spatial unit of the monastery and the archbishop's offices. Until 987 the cathedral was also the monastery church of St. Peter. The monastery was now assigned land on the Mönchsbergfelsen next to the Salzburg catacombs , where an old cemetery had previously existed, where a new monastery building and then a new monastery church was soon to be built.


predecessor Office successor
Herald Archbishop of Salzburg