Friedrich Jeremias

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Friedrich Jeremias (born January 7, 1868 in Meerane , † March 24, 1945 in Kipsdorf ) was a German Protestant pastor and theologian .

Jeremias became pastor in Dresden in 1897 , and from 1909 he was pastor of the city association for Inner Mission there .

In 1910 he became pastor (with the title Propst ) in the Evangelical German Language Congregation in Jerusalem and worked at the Church of the Redeemer there . In 1917/18 he also took over the pastor's office at the Immanuel Church in Jaffa . After the British occupation of Palestine, he was interned in Egypt in August 1918 and forcibly repatriated in 1920. He served from 1921 as consistorial councilor in Magdeburg and from 1929 as senior consistorial councilor in the Evangelical Upper Church Council in Berlin. From 1921 he was a board member of the Jerusalem Association (JV), 1943–1945 its deputy chairman, and also a member of the board of trustees of the Evangelical Jerusalem Foundation (EJSt.). In the textbook on the history of religion (4th edition , 1925) by PD Chantepie de la Saussaye , last edited by Alfred Bertholet and Edvard Lehmann , Friedrich Jeremias wrote the article Semitic peoples in the Middle East .

The Göttingen New Testament scholar Joachim Jeremias (1900–1979) was his son, his sons - the New Testament scholar Gert Jeremias and the Old Testament scholar Jörg Jeremias - his grandchildren.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Partial estate of Friedrich Jeremias (Church Archives Center Berlin).
  2. Frank Foerster: Mission in the Holy Land: The Jerusalem Association in Berlin 1852-1945 (= Missionswissenschaftliche Forschungen [NS] Volume 25). Gütersloher Verlags-Haus Mohn, Gütersloh 1991, ISBN 3-579-00245-7 , p. 138; Frank Roland Löffler: Protestants in Palestine: Religious Policy, Social Protestantism and Mission in the German Protestant and Anglican Institutions of the Holy Land 1917–1939 (= Contributions to Contemporary History, Volume 37). 2007, p. 97 ( partial online view ).
  3. Frank Foerster: Mission in the Holy Land: The Jerusalem Association in Berlin 1852-1945 (= Missionswissenschaftliche Forschungen [NS] Volume 25). Gütersloher Verlags-Haus Mohn, Gütersloh 1991, ISBN 3-579-00245-7 , p. 228.
  4. With the two sections: The Babylonians and Assyrians as well as Canaanites , Syrians and Phoenicians .

Web links

predecessor Office successor
Wilhelm Bussmann Evangelical Lutheran Provost of Jerusalem
Gustaf Dalman