Friedrich Lürßen

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Friedrich Lürßen (born March 1, 1851 in Lemwerder , † November 30, 1916 in Bremen ) was a German shipbuilder in Bremen-Vegesack and promoter of water sports and boat races . He founded what is now Fr. Lürssen Werft GmbH & Co. KG .


Lürßen came from a family of boatmen and farmers. At that time, sailing, wooden shipbuilding and thus also the boat building industry were flourishing. After completing school in Lemwerder, he worked as an apprentice and as a journeyman in the local boat building industry, through which he acquired a great deal of specialist knowledge. He was also very musically gifted and practiced horn blowing in his spare time. From 1872 to 1874 he served as a pioneer in Minden . Through this activity, his craft and technical skills were further promoted. At the age of 24, with the help of his father-in-law, he built up a boatyard in Aumund, which initially only manufactured lifeboats and work boats.

In the early 1880s, he promoted water sports, which were popular at that time. In 1890 Lürßen was represented at the Northwest German Trade and Industry Exhibition with a wide range of its production and received its first medals and awards. On the occasion of this exhibition, he established a connection with Gottlieb Daimler , since engine construction was already in an advanced state at this time.

In 1918 his shipyard had to move to its current location. A major fire destroyed the old shipyard in Bremen-Aumund . From now on he could start building large motor yachts and utility vehicles on the much larger site.

Lürßen won some valuable trophies in ship races, whereby the experience gained was used to build racing boats and large, fast luxury and special vehicles. In 1911 the racing boat Lürssen-Daimler won the championship of the sea in Monaco with the remarkable top speed of 35 knots (65 km / h) for the time. In this way, he has helped to achieve some decisive advances in large-scale shipping with his knowledge and skills.

Lürßen was married. His son Otto (1889–1932) continued the company.


  • The Friedrich Lürssen street in Bremen-Vegesack got its name in 1951.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ German biography: Friedrich Lürssen