Friedrich Lichthardt

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Friedrich Gottlieb Lichthardt (also: Friedrich Lichthardt and Liethhardt ; * 1800 in Pattensen ; † 1858 ) was a German sculptor .

life and work

The sculptor Friedrich Gottlieb Lichthardt, who was born in Pattensen in 1800 during the time of the Electorate of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, was involved to a not inconsiderable extent in the renovation of the Leineschloss at the time of the Kingdom of Hanover . Similar to the sculptors or stonemasons Johann Friedrich Hägemann , August Hengst and Ludwig Täger , Lichthardt was listed with a larger amount in the accounts for the castle construction costs, as other parties involved could also charge for the magnificent design of the castle.

At the fourth general trade exhibition in the Kingdom of Hanover in 1844, Lichthard received an "honorable mention" as a participant for his four works on display, including a tripod table with a top made of Jacaranda wood with decorations made of lacquered " carton-pierre " for 45 Reichstaler . Mirrors with frames painted brown by Lichthardt and gilded leaf edges also attracted attention in a review by the trade association for the Kingdom of Hanover .

The address book of the royal capital and residence city of Hanover for the year 1852 recorded Lichthardt's residence at Köbelingerstraße 15 .

At the end of 1852 and at the end of the construction of the royal court theater designed by Georg Ludwig Friedrich Laves in the royal seat of Hanover , "Liethardt" received a contract as a sculptor for the production of plaster statues on the parapet of the opera house's porch.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Georg Schnath : History of the Leineschloss 1636 - 1945 , in Helmut Plath , Georg Schnath, Rudolf Hillebrecht : Das Leineschloss , New Series Volume 9 (1956), special issue, pp. 19-206; here: pp. 126, 200; limited preview in Google Book search
  2. a b Address book of the royal capital and residence city of Hanover for 1850, 1: Address and housing gazette , 4th: Alphabetical directory of residents , p. 116; Digitized version of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library
  3. a b Stefan Amt : 150 Years of the Opera House in Hanover. 1852-2002 , published by the Hanover State Opera, Hanover: Hanover State Opera, 2002, p. 17; as a PDF file on the website of the office for historical building research
  4. ^ Thomas Dann : The royal splendid apartments in the Hanoverian Leineschloß. Studies on spatial sequences in the first half of the 19th century (= sources and representations on the history of Lower Saxony , volume 120), Hannover: Hahn, 2000, ISBN 978-3-7752-5808-1 and ISBN 3-7752-5808-6 , P. 290; limited preview in Google Book search
  5. ^ Karl Karmarsch , Theodor Oldekop (Red.): Sculpture and gilding work , in this: Communications of the trade association for the Kingdom of Hanover , born 1844 - 1845, Hanover: Hahnsche Hofbuchhandlung (on commission), 1845, column 452 ; limited preview in Google Book search