Friedrich Meyer-Abich

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Friedrich Karl Andreas Meyer-Abich (born November 27, 1895 in Emden , † April 28, 1972 in Hanover ) was a German lawyer and administrative officer .


Friedrich Meyer was born the son of a chief justice inspector and accountant. After attending school, he took part in the First World War as a soldier from the outbreak of war until the end of 1914 and from 1916 to 1918 . He was wounded several times during the war. He had already started studying law in 1915 , which he continued after the end of the war at the universities in Göttingen and Münster . In June 1920 he passed the First State Examination in Law, entered the Oldenburg state service a month later and completed his legal clerkship. In February 1921 he was awarded a Dr. jur. doctorate (dissertation: The criminal law protection of legislative bodies and political electoral and voting rights ). In 1923 he passed the second state examination in law.

Meyer joined the DDP in 1919 and was a member of the Stahlhelm during the Weimar Republic . He had been practicing as a lawyer in Emden since 1924 and was also admitted as a notary in 1925 . Since he had represented members of the Red Aid before the courts as a criminal defense attorney after 1930 , his license was withdrawn after the National Socialists came to power . From 1936 to 1945 he worked as an independent merchant in merchant shipping and acquired a stake in the Kauffahrtei Seereederei Adolf Wiards & Co. based in Hamburg . In 1938 the family name was renamed from Meyer to Meyer-Abich .

After the Second World War, Meyer-Abich worked from September 1945 to October 1952 as attorney general at the Oldenburg Higher Regional Court . In this function he was heavily involved in the prosecution of Nazi criminals , but was only able to implement his proposal to lift the statute of limitations in his judicial district by means of a decree. From 1947 to the end of 1949 his activity as attorney general was suspended after he had already been appointed by the British military government as inspector general of the Central Justice Office for the arbitration courts in the British zone in December 1946 . From October 20, 1952, until his retirement on November 30, 1960, he was State Secretary in the Lower Saxony Ministry of Justice .

Friedrich Meyer-Abich was married to Marie-Elisabeth Roschlaub since 1924. The marriage produced a son and a daughter.


  • 1950: Great Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • 1960: Great Cross of Merit with Star of the Federal Republic of Germany

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