Higher Regional Court of Oldenburg

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Aerial photo of the OLG Oldenburg (in the rear of the new wing)
OLG Oldenburg

The Oldenburg Higher Regional Court ( OLG Oldenburg for short ) is one of three higher regional courts in the state of Lower Saxony , alongside the Braunschweig Higher Regional Court and the Celle Higher Regional Court .

Seat and District of the Court

The seat of the Higher Regional Court is Oldenburg . The judicial district includes the district court districts of Aurich , Oldenburg and Osnabrück .

Historically, it corresponds to the boundaries of the former Grand Duchy of Oldenburg minus the exclaves of the Principality of Lübeck and Principality of Birkenfeld , plus the former Prussian regional court districts of Aurich and Osnabrück (former administrative district Weser-Ems ).

At the Higher Regional Court are 2,724 lawyers and general counsel attorneys admitted (as at 1st January 2018).


The OLG Oldenburg is housed in a functional building from the 1960s at Richard-Wagner-Platz 1 in Oldenburg.


The Oldenburg Higher Regional Court goes back to the Higher Appeal Court of the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg established in 1814 . The conversion of the Higher Appeal Court into the Higher Regional Court took place through the Reich Justice Acts in 1877.

After the First World War , the Higher Regional Court formed the highest court in the Free State of Oldenburg .

In 1944, as a war emergency measure, the district of the Higher Regional Court was expanded to include the districts of Aurich and Osnabrück , which had previously belonged to the district of the OLG Celle .

Superordinate and subordinate courts

Only the Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe is superior to the OLG Oldenburg . Subordinate are the regional courts in Aurich , Oldenburg and Osnabrück with the local courts subordinate to these courts .


At the head of the Higher Regional Court is its president. Anke van Hove has been the incumbent president since April 2016 .

The court currently has 15 civil panels, two criminal panels and one penalty panel. Some of the civil senates have special competencies , for example on building law . If there are no such special responsibilities, the legal disputes will be assigned to the senates upon receipt. There is an exception to this insofar as, in the event of a factual connection with a matter, the Senate that received the first matter is responsible.

Higher Regional Court President

Former higher regional court presidents:

See also


  • 175 years of the Oldenburg Higher Regional Court. 1814 Higher Appeal Court, Higher Regional Court 1989. Festschrift. Carl Heymanns Verlag, Cologne 1989, ISBN 3-452-21564-4 . (Review and av Gerold Schmidt: Oldenburgische Familienkunde , Volume 32, Issue 4/1990, pp. 335–336.)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Bar Association, www.brak.de: Large membership statistics as of January 1, 2018. (PDF; 37.3 kB) Accessed September 5, 2018 .
  2. ^ Lothar Gruchmann: Justice in the Third Reich 1933-1940. Adaptation and submission in the Gürtner era (= sources and representations on contemporary history . Volume 28). 3rd edition, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-486-53833-0 , p. 1213 (online) .

Coordinates: 53 ° 8 '2 "  N , 8 ° 12' 54"  E