Friedrich Schwiening

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Friedrich Schwiening (born May 15, 1851 in Springe ; † May 22, 1935 in Aurich ) was a German administrative lawyer and municipal official.


Schwienig was the son of Pastor Schwiening in Springe. He studied law from the summer semester of 1871 at the Friedrichs University in Halle and from the winter semester of 1872 at the Georg-August University of Göttingen . In 1872 he became a member of the Corps Borussia Halle and the Corps Hannovera Göttingen . In 1874 he received for participating in a face-up by the university authorities Mensur the Consilium abeundi . As a result, he had to leave the university for a year. He continued his studies at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel , but returned to Göttingen after two semesters. The legal traineeship in Einbeck and Hanover followed the legal traineeship in June 1875. Schwiening passed the second state examination in law in May 1881. From January 1882 until his retirement in 1924 he was mayor of the city of Aurich for 42 years. Schwiening was also landscape councilor and landscape syndic of the East Frisian landscape and a member of the district council. From 1885, with one interruption during the legislative period from 1897 to 1903 to 1920, he was a member of the Provincial Parliament of the Province of Hanover for a total of 29 years .

As a student historian, he set up the first directory of members of the Corps Hannovera zu Göttingen in the 19th century at the time of the collection and organization of the old rulers of the Corps. In his memoirs he noted for 1874 that the former Hanoverian minister Georg Heinrich Bacmeister turned back to the corps and that they began to hold regular joint events with the old men.


  • The East Frisian Landscape Fire Funds 1754–1929 , Aurich 1929


  • Heinrich Ferdinand Curschmann : Blue Book of the Corps Hannovera zu Göttingen, Volume 1: 1809–1899 Göttingen 2002, p. 220, No. 714.
  • Beatrix Herlemann , Helga Schatz: Biographical Lexicon of Lower Saxony Parliamentarians, 1919–1945 , Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hanover 2004, p. 335.
  • Franz Stadtmüller (ed.): History of the Corps Hannovera zu Göttingen 1809–1959 . Göttingen 1963, pp. 202-204.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The grave of Friedrich Schwiening on the website; accessed on January 11, 2014
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 57 , 324; 42 , 672
  3. Stadtmüller (1963), p. 202 ff. Cites Schwiening's memories in the archive of the Corps Hannovera.
  4. Stadtmüller (1963), p. 204 ff.