Friedrich Wilhelm Gutbrod

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Friedrich "Fritz" Wilhelm Gutbrod (born November 1, 1873 in Stuttgart ; † February 9, 1950 ) was a German ministerial official.


After completing his studies, Gutbrod joined the Royal Railway Directorate in Berlin in 1903 as a mechanical engineer . After his promotion to the government council , in 1914 he became an employee of the railway department of the Great Headquarters of the Supreme Army Command (OHL) . In 1917 he was appointed a member of the presidium of the Cologne Railway Directorate and, after the end of the First World War, in 1919 as President of the Kassel Railway Directorate .

In 1920 he was appointed President of the Reichsbahn Central Office and held this position until he was appointed Ministerial Director in the Reich Ministry of Transport in 1922. In 1921 he was founded together with Dr. Georg Bodenstein , State Secretary of the Reich Ministry of Transport, member of the lawless society in Berlin , a society club whose members were prominent personalities of the intellectual, artistic and military elite.

In October 1926 he was appointed State Secretary in the Reich Ministry of Transport. In this office, which he held until 1932, he was the closest collaborator of the Reich Minister of Transport Rudolf Krohne , Wilhelm Koch (politician, 1877) , Theodor von Guérard , Georg Schätzel , Adam Stegerwald and Gottfried Treviranus . In 1932 he was succeeded by Gustav Koenigs in the office of State Secretary.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lawless Society in Berlin