Rudolf Krohne

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Rudolf Krohne (born September 6, 1876 in Rendsburg , † June 17, 1953 in Berlin ) was a German lawyer and politician ( DVP ).

Life and work

Krohne was born the son of a Real Secret Upper Government Councilor. After graduating from the Luis Gymnasium in Berlin he studied law at the Universities of Lausanne , Marburg and Berlin, which he in 1898 with the first state examination and the graduation to the Dr. jur. finished. Then he entered the Prussian judicial service. In 1903 he passed the second state examination in law, was appointed to the government council in 1911, and since 1917 he was active as a secret government councilor and lecturer in the Prussian Ministry for Public Works. In 1921 he was promoted to Ministerial Director through the position of Ministerialrat and became Prussia's representative at the Reich Ministry of Transport . In 1928 he acted briefly as head of the Szczecin port operations. He was also a member of the supervisory board of Rhein-Main-Donau AG .

From its founding in 1926 to 1928 he was President of the German Air Protection Association. V.

In the 1930s he was chairman of the Reich Association of German Water Management and of the Association for the Promotion of Industry from 1821, both based in Berlin.

Krohne was married to Edith Müser , with whom he had two sons.

Since 1896 he was a member of the Corps Teutonia Marburg .

Public offices

Krohne had been State Secretary in the Reich Ministry of Transport since 1923 . On October 11, 1924, he was appointed Reich Minister of Transport to the government led by Chancellor Wilhelm Marx and was also a member of the subsequent government led by Chancellor Hans Luther . From October 27, 1925 to January 19, 1926 he was also acting head of the Reich Ministry of Economics . In Marx's third cabinet he was again Reich Minister of Transport before he left the government on January 28, 1927.



  • The collapse and rebuilding of German shipping , 1928
  • Air threat and air protection possibilities in Germany. Verlag Deutscher Luftschutz , Berlin 1928


Individual evidence

  1. a b Dr. jur. Dr.-Ing. eh Krohne 60 years old. In: Berliner Tageblatt . No. 419, September 1936.
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 104 , 818.

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