Friedrich Zeller (paleontologist)

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Friedrich August Zeller (born November 8, 1881 in Marburg , † September 25, 1916 in Merken near Ypres ) was a German teacher, geologist and paleontologist .


After graduating from high school, Friedrich Zeller began studying natural sciences at the University of Tübingen and solved the award task set by the university's natural sciences faculty in 1905/1906: "The remains of marine animals that occur in the Lettenkohlengruppe and in Keuper Schwabens should be paleontologically carefully examined and both species occurring in Muschelkalk , as compared in detail with those of the neighboring Triassic regions , especially the Alps ". In 1907 he was in Tübingen at Ernst Koken with his dissertation contributions to the knowledge of Lettenkohle and Keuper in Swabia doctorate . In his work, Friedrich Zeller correlated the lithostratigraphic horizons of the Lower Keuper from northern Switzerland to Lower Franconia and revised the invertebrate fauna known up to that time. In the fauna of the Lettenkeuper, he recognized an impoverished shell limestone fauna with no detectable effects from the area of ​​the Alpine Triassic . Friedrich Zeller then decided on a career in school, became a teacher in Isny and until the outbreak of war in 1914 worked as a senior real teacher in Stuttgart .

Friedrich August Zeller died as a soldier in the First World War near the Flemish Ypres in Belgium at the age of 34 .


  • Contributions to the knowledge of the Lettenkohle and the Keuper in Swabia . In: Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, 1907, pp. 19–29 and 42–51
  • Contributions to the knowledge of the Lettenkohle and the Keuper in Swabia . New yearbook for mineralogy, geology and palaeontology, supplement volume XXV, Schweizerbart'sche Verlagshandlung (E.Nägele), Stuttgart 1908


  • Hans Hagdorn : 7th invertebrates of the Lettenkeupers. In: Hans Hagdorn, Rainer Schoch , Günter Schweigert (ed.): The Lettenkeuper - a window into the time before the dinosaurs. Palaeodiversity special volume, Stuttgart and Ingelfingen 2015, p. 124 (short biography Friedrich August Zeller)

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