Friedrich von Oer

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Friedrich Freiherr von Oer

Friedrich Edmund Anton Imperial Baron von Oer-Egelborg (born September 12, 1842 at Egelborg Castle near Legden , Münsterland , † June 14, 1896 in Birstein ) was Chief Chamberlain of Prince Charles II of Isenburg and Büdingen (* 1838; † 1899).


Friedrich comes from the Westphalian noble family of the Imperial Barons von Oer , he was the son of Clement Baroness von Oer-Egelborg (1802–1849) and his second wife, Antonia Freiin von Droste zu Senden (1819–1889), married on June 14, 1841. Klemens Oer first wife Sophie Freiin von Fürstenberg (* 1794) died on August 17th, 1832. Oer studied law at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn . Friedrich had a half-brother Max Reichsfreiherr von Oer (1831–1877), who married Karoline Freiin von Boeselager -Heeßen in 1859 (1859–1911).

On May 23, 1871 he married Gabriele Reichsgräfin Khuen von Belasy (1841–1923), the daughter of Gabriel Reichsgraf Khuen von Belasi (* 1802) and Elisabeth Reichsfreiin Eyrl von und zu Waldgries and Liebenaich (* 1815). They had the three children Antonia , Gabriel and Clemens together.

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