Fueter (Bern)

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The Fueter family (pronounced [fuətər] ) is a probably originally from train originating Berner Burger family that since 1528, the Burger rights owned by the city of Bern and today the company Pfistern belongs.

The Fueter family, capable of regimentation, goes back to pastor Johannes Futter († 1571). Several of his descendants were also active as pastors, others as notaries, druggists and pharmacists, in lower municipal offices or trades.

The clothing store Fueter AG, founded in 1796, was owned by the family until the 1980s.




Web links

Commons : Fueter (Bern)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Bickel, Christoph Landolt: Duden. Swiss high German. Dictionary of the standard language in German-speaking Switzerland. Edited by the Swiss Association for the German Language. Dudenverlag, Mannheim / Zurich 2012, p. 88.