Christian Fueter

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Christian Fueter

Christian Fueter (pronounced [fuətər] ; born June 16, 1752 in London ; † January 19, 1844 in Bern , legal resident in Bern) was a Swiss medalist , die cutter , mint master and politician .


Christian Fueter, member of the Reformed Church , was born in London on June 16, 1752, the son of the goldsmith Christian Daniel Fueter, who returned to Bern in 1754 after stays in New York , Pennsylvania , England and France in 1769. Fueter initially trained as a coin die cutter with Johann Kaspar Mörikofer. From 1777 to 1778 he stayed in Paris . After his return to Bern, he was responsible for the production of various seals and medals. From 1791 to 1798 Fueter acted as mint master for the Bernese government, also during the time of the Helvetic Republic and from 1803 until the Bern mint closed in early 1838.

Fueter also minted medals, school awards and coins for the cantons of Aargau , Appenzell Ausserrhoden , Graubünden , Neuchâtel , Schaffhausen , Ticino and Uri in the Bern mint ; for Lucerne he cut stamps. In addition, he became a member of the Bern city administration in 1818, and from 1821 Fueter was a member of the Grand Council .

Christian Fueter, who was married to Katharina, nee Ganting, died on January 19, 1844 at the age of 92 in Bern.


Web links


  1. Hans Bickel, Christoph Landolt: Duden. Swiss high German. Dictionary of the standard language in German-speaking Switzerland. Edited by the Swiss Association for the German Language. Dudenverlag, Mannheim / Zurich 2012, p. 88.