Géza Kuminetz

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Géza Kuminetz (born September 14, 1959 in Nagyatád ) is a Hungarian Roman Catholic priest , theologian and rector of the Péter Pázmány Catholic University since 2019 .


Géza Kuminetz studied philosophy and Catholic theology in Esztergom and at the Central Seminary in Budapest from 1983 . He was ordained priest for the diocese of Veszprém in Csurgó in 1988 . In 1989 he was at the Theological Academy Péter Pázmány for Dr. theol. PhD. From 1989 to 1991 he was a student of the Hungarian Pontifical Institute at the Pontifical Gregorian University and completed a degree in canon law .

In 1991 he became a professor at the Archbishopric Theological College in Veszprém and was vice director from 1994 to 1996. Pope John Paul II appointed him chaplain to His Holiness in 1994 . From 1994 to 1996 he was spiritual in the seminary Blessed Gisela of Bavaria in Veszprém . In 1996 Géza Kuminetz was appointed professor at the Theological Faculty of the Péter Pázmány Catholic University. In addition, from 1996 to 1998 he was director of studies at the Archbishop's Theological College Veszprém. In 1996 he completed a theological research doctorate ( PhD ), and in 1997 he completed his habilitation in theology. From 1996 to 2002 he was a professor at the Postgraduate Institute for Canon Law of the Péter Pázmány Catholic University and from 2003 to 2006 he was also head of the institute.

Since 2002 he has been a university professor at the Budapest Catholic Péter Pázmány University. He was Dean of the Faculty of Theology (2006–2010; 2012–2014) and Head of the Chair of Canon Law at the Faculty of Theology (2003–2009). Since 2009 he has been head of the chair for pastoral theology and liturgy as well as a chair representative for property and sacrament law. From 2009 to 2015 Géza Kuminetz was the rector's office of the Central Seminary.

Géza Kuminetz was elected Rector of the Péter Pázmány Catholic University, founded in 1635, by the Hungarian Catholic Bishops' Conference, confirmed by the Holy See and approved by the Hungarian President.

Kuminetz is a member of both the Hungarian and the International Society for Canon Law. He was chairman of the Hungarian Society between 2003 and 2006. He has authored several books and published articles in the scientific journals Folia Canonica, Folia Theologica, Kánonjog, Teológia and Studia Wesprimiensia .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d "Dr Géza Kuminetz is the new rector of Pázmány Péter Catholic University" on katolikus.hu from May 31, 2019, accessed on December 15, 2019 (en.)
  2. "Kuminetz Géza a Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem új rektora" on magyarkurir.hu from May 31, 2019, accessed on December 15, 2019 (hu.)
  3. "Ungheria: mons. Géza Kuminetz nuovo rettore dell'Università Cattolica Pázmány Péter " on agensir.it from May 31, 2019, accessed on December 15, 2019 (it.)