Götz Großklaus

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Götz Großklaus (born November 24, 1933 in Wilhelmshaven ) is a German literary and media scholar .


Großklaus spent his early childhood in Wilhelmshaven. Because of the expected air raids on the shipyard and naval port city, he lived with his grandparents in Wernigerode am Harz since the outbreak of war (1939) . After the war he returned to Wilhelmshaven and graduated from high school there in 1954. From 1954 to 1961 he studied German, history, art history and philosophy in Munich, Freiburg and Hamburg. After the first state examination (1961) at the University of Hamburg , he was first a grammar school teacher in Wilhelmshaven for the subjects of German and history, then a freelancer for Südwestfunk and a scholarship holder of the Volkswagen Foundation .

In 1966 he received his doctorate in German at the University of Freiburg with the dissertation Time Design and Time Organization in the Tragedy of Andreas Gryphius . After a brief activity as a scientific editor at Duden-Verlag in Mannheim, he became a scientific assistant in 1967 at the Institute for Literary Studies at the University of Karlsruhe , headed by Rudolf Fahrner . In 1973 he completed his habilitation there and was appointed Professor of Modern German Philology there the following year. He held several professorships abroad within the framework of the DAAD : 1974–76 at the University of Cairo , 1983 at the University of Melbourne as a visiting fellow and in 1995 at the University of Istanbul . Numerous guest and congress presentations have taken him abroad, including India (New Delhi), Japan (Tokyo), Australia (Sydney, Adelaide), Egypt (Cairo), Morocco (Rabat), USA (Berkeley), Canada (Vancouver) ), Italy (Rome), France (Paris, Nancy, Montpellier, Strasbourg), Turkey (Istanbul).

Großklaus was a member of the collegial management of the Interfacultative Institute for Applied Cultural Studies at the University of Karlsruhe, which he co-founded, where he also held the office of Vice-Dean and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (1987-1991).

In 1996 he was appointed Associate Professor for Media History at the State University of Design in Karlsruhe . In 1999 he retired. From 1999 to 2006 he was a member of the teaching staff of the graduate college "Image - Body - Medium" at the State University of Design in Karlsruhe.


After completing his dissertation on Andreas Gryphius , Großklaus repeatedly dealt with the work of Heinrich Heine , which he analyzed semiotic and cultural studies. The early reception of semiotic and structuralist methods led him in the early 1970s to transcend traditional literary approaches towards a critical media studies based on cultural theory. He has always been particularly interested in the problem of cultural contacts, i.e. the opposition between closeness and the foreign or between civilization / culture and nature, as well as the problem of spatiotemporal perception not only in literary texts, but also in technical media such as photography, film and television. In his work, which also includes essayistic and fictional texts ("Ortszeit", 2005), the category of memory plays a special role.


Book publications

  • Time design and time organization in the tragedy of Andreas Gryphius . Diss. Phil. Freiburg i. Br. 1966
  • Text structure and text history. Heinrich Heine's “travel pictures”. A text-linguistic and text-historical description of the prose type . Frankfurt a. M. 1973
  • Nature space. From utopia to simulation . Munich 1993
  • Media time. Media room . Frankfurt a. M. 1995, 2nd edition 1997 (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, 1184)
  • Media images. Staging visibility . Frankfurt a. M. 2004 (edition suhrkamp, ​​2319)
  • Local time . Munich 2005
  • The media sense of the message. Four case studies on the mediality of leading cultural discourses of heterochrony . Munich 2008
  • Travel and politics . Karlsruhe 2007
  • Forty years of literary studies (1969–2009). On the history of the cultural and media studies opening . Frankfurt 2011 (extensive collection of articles)
  • Heinrich Heine - The poet of modernity . Munich 2013
  • The Janus face of Europe. On the critique of the colonial discourse . 2017
  • House and nature. Georg Büchner's 'Lenz'. To the loss of the social place . In: Recherches germaniques 12 (1982), pp. 68-77


  • Intellectual historical perspectives. Review, moment, outlook . Festschrift for Rudolf Fahrner. Bonn 1969
  • Values ​​in communicative processes . Stuttgart 1980, Karlsruhe cultural studies, 3 (with Ernst Oldemeyer) Nature as a counter-world. Contributions to the cultural history of nature. Karlsruhe 1983
  • Literature in an industrial culture (with Eberhardt Lämmert). Stuttgart 1989
  • Thinking instead of upgrading - Scientists for Peace (with W. Buckel, H. Schulte). Karlsruhe 1983


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