Günther von Griesheim

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Günther von Griesheim (* 1635 ; † 1718 ) was a Saxon-Zeitzian councilor, canon in Naumburg (Saale) and manor owner .


Grave slab of Günther von Griesheim in the cloister of Naumburg Cathedral

He came from the Thuringian noble family von Griesheim and was the son of Wolf Melchior von Griesheim, Schwarzburg councilor and chief magistrate in Arnstadt . Like many of his family members, he entered the service of the Wettins . In the Sachsen-Zeitz secondary school , he became a councilor in the Naumburg-Zeitz bishopric and at the same time canon in Naumburg, having previously been a senior and cantor there.

In addition to his parents' estate Synderstedt , in 1695 he bought the debt manor Oberhof in Oberthau in the Duchy of Saxony-Merseburg from the von Zweymen family . He lived on this estate with his family. At the age of 66, for reasons of age, he decided to leave the Oberhof Oberthau to his six sons Christian, Johann Ernst, Augustus, Philipp Günther, Johann Heinrich and Anton Carl von Griesheim in 1701. In 1702 his son Johann Ernst von Griesheim died as a captain in the Weimar regiment under General von Bibra in Dulce, Italy.

When Günther von Griesheim died in 1718, he was buried in Naumburg Cathedral . His baroque tombstone is still preserved in the cloister today. The name of his wife Sophia nee von Schwartzenfels is already engraved on the plate, but her birth and death dates are missing. The family probably decided not to do so for cost reasons.

Anton Carl von Griesheim († 1753 in Weimar) was the most famous of his sons . He was a real secret councilor, government and senior consistorial president as well as court judge appointed by the communal court in Jena and a knight of the Saxon-Weimar and Saxon-Eisenach order of knights de la Vigilance.


  • Jacob Christoff Beck and August Johann Buxtorff: Newly increased historical and geographic general lexicon. Volume 3, Basel 1742-1744, p. 897
  • Diplomatic messages from noble families , Volume 4, 1792, pp. 60ff.

Individual evidence

  1. Innocent legal message from Naumburg-Zeizischen [...], 1717 , p. 86