Gabriel Brizard

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Gabriel Brizard (* 1744 in Paris , † January 23, 1793 in Paris) was a French parliamentary advocate, historian and writer.


Gabriel Brizard was a lawyer with the Parlement de Paris, was in contact with the King's Cabinet and oversaw the archives of the Order of the Holy Spirit . Abbé, as he was often called, he never was. He supported many reforms of the French Revolution , admired Voltaire and shared his anti-clerical views. He also adored Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the French politician and philosopher Gabriel Bonnot de Mably . He died impoverished in Paris in early 1793.

The works of Gabriel Brizard testify to a thorough study of sources and a lively spirit of research, especially his Histoire généalogique de la maison de Beaumont, en Dauphiné, which is exemplary of its kind , printed at the expense of the Archbishop of Paris, Christophe de Beaumont , and given away to all the major libraries . avec les pièces justificatives pour servir de preuve à l'histoire (2 vols., Paris 1779) and his richly learned story of Bartholomew's Night , which he wrote under the title Du , which is also successful in terms of completeness and presentation, if not entirely impartial massacre de la Saint-Barthélemy et de l'influence des étrangers en France durant la ligue, discours historique avec les preuves et développémens (2 vols., Paris 1790; Ger. Leipzig 1791) published.

Brizard's Fragment de Xénophon, nouvellement trouvé dans les ruines de Palmyre par un Anglais, traduit du grec en français (Paris 1783) is an allegorical poem referring to the American Revolution . He also wrote essays at the Mercure de France . With Louis-Sébastien Mercier , François Henri Stanislas de l'Aulnaye and Pierre Prime Félicien le Tourneur, he arranged an edition of the complete works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (39 vols., Paris 1788ff.), Sorted by subject and annotated. He also brought out an edition of Mably's Observations sur l'histoire de France (6 vols., 1788).

Other works

  • Éloge de Charles V, dit le sage, roi de France , Paris 1768
  • De l'amour de Henri IV pour les lettres , Paris 1785–1786
  • Lettre à un ami sur l'assemblée des notables (under the pseudonym Gallophile ), Paris 1787
  • Éloge historique de l'abbé de Mably , Paris 1787 ( awarded a prize by the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres )
  • Analysis du Voyage pittoresque de Naples et de Sicile, de l'abbé de Saint-Non , 2 vols., Paris 1787–1792
  • Modestes observations sur le mémoire des princes , Paris 1788
  • Discours historique sur le caractère et la politique de Louis XI , Paris 1791
  • Notice on J.-Cl. Richard de Saint-Non , Paris 1792 (new edition 1829)
