Gabriele Adorno

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Adorno coat of arms
Stemma di Genova

Gabriele Adorno (* 1320 in Genoa ; † 1383 ibid) was the fourth doge of the Republic of Genoa from 1363 to 1370 .

Actress of Amelia Grimaldi and Gabriele Adorno (production by Giuseppe Verdi's Simon Boccanegra in the Städtische Oper Berlin 1946)


Gabriele Adorno came from the noble family Adorno, who had made their fortune through trade, and was a son of Daniele Adorno di Lanfranco and Marietta Gustiniani. He was also a merchant himself and supported the Ghibelline party . In 1350 he became Anziane and in 1360 he had peace talks with Aragon . After the death of the doge Simone Boccanegra , who may have fallen victim to a poison attack, Adorno was elected the new doge on March 14, 1363.

Thereupon Adorno passed a series of laws in order to establish rules for admission to office and to secure the supremacy achieved by the non-noble citizens of Genoa over the old aristocratic families in the future. He had to face constant attacks from the expelled nobles supported by the Visconti of Milan - e. B. the Spinola and Doria - who tried to regain their former power. Some Genoese vassals such as the Margraves of Carreto also tried to make themselves independent, but without particular success. The popular Guelph Party also sought, albeit in vain, to replace Adorno with Leonardo Montaldo . One of the countermeasures taken by Adorno was, in addition to initiating several campaigns, the negotiation of a settlement with the Visconti (1367), which, however, was very costly for Genoa. Therefore, the Doge had to collect high taxes, which made him lose the affection of the townspeople.

Adorno was able to achieve some successes in foreign policy. For example, he succeeded in concluding treaties with the Cypriot King Peter I (1365), Aragon (1366) and the Portuguese King Ferdinand I (1367) as well as taking the city of Soldaia in the Crimea . Emperor Karl IV appointed him imperial vicar in 1368. Yet he did not regain his prestige; he had made himself too much hated by the citizens because of the heavy taxes. They forced him to abdicate on August 13, 1370 and elected the wealthy Domenico di Campofregoso as doge in his place .

Adorno fled but was soon captured and taken into custody at the Castle of Voltaggio . Released by the intervention of Cardinal Stefano Teobaldeschi , he withdrew into private life and died in 1383 at the age of about 63.

Opera role

Gabriele Adorno is a character from the opera Simon Boccanegra by Giuseppe Verdi . There he is the main tenor role and in the plot he is the mistress of Amelia Grimaldi, the daughter of Boccanegra. In the opera, the latter names Adorno as his successor before his death.


Web links

Commons : Gabriele Adorno  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. ^ Date of death according to G. Petti Balbi: Adorno, Gabriele . In: Lexicon of the Middle Ages (LexMA). Volume 1, Artemis & Winkler, Munich / Zurich 1980, ISBN 3-7608-8901-8 , Sp. 165.