Gaius Claudius Centho (Consul 240 BC)

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Gaius Claudius Centho was a major politician of the Roman Republic and 240 BC. Chr. Consul and 225 v. Chr. Censor .


Gaius Claudius Centho came from the Roman patrician family of the Claudians and, according to ancient sources, was the son of the famous censor from 312 BC. BC, Appius Claudius Caecus . The ancient historian Friedrich Münzer doubts this information due to the long time lag between the offices held by Centho and those held by his alleged father.

Centho clad in 240 BC Together with Marcus Sempronius Tuditanus the consulate and was 225 BC. BC censor, with Marcus Iunius Pera as a colleague. The Roman historian Titus Livius mentions two other offices that Centho exercised during Rome's war against Hannibal . Accordingly, he acted in 217 BC. As Interrex and was founded in 213 BC. Chr. The dictator elected to the next elections hold. After this point in time, Centho no longer appears in the sources.



  1. Filiation information of the Fasti Capitolini : Gaius Claudius Ap. f. C. n. Centho ; see. Cicero , Brutus 72 and Tusculanae disputationes 1, 3; Aulus Gellius , Noctes Atticae 17, 21, 42.
  2. ^ Friedrich Münzer: Claudius 104). In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume III, 2, Stuttgart 1899, Col. 2694.
  3. Fasti Capitolini , et al
  4. Livy 22, 34, 1.
  5. Livius 25, 2, 3ff.